September 11, 2001
Visiting Mexican
President Vicente Fox told Americans "we need your trust'' to swiftly
legalize TWO TO THREE million of "undocumented" immigrants; the
Bushette junta that once spoke of immediate legalization has now backed
down and is saying the mass change is too complex to do by year's end.
Too complex indeed. Ours is a government
of equality. What about the illegals (notice how the brown-neck press has
switched over to UNDOCUMENTED instead of illegals) from other nations such
as Equador, Haiti, Iran, Somalia.... shouldn't EVERY illegal alien in the
U.S. be giving the same privilege... and SPECIFICALLY every woman as well
as man so that an illegal woman is made a U.S. citizen on her own right,
not just on the shadow of her husband's sombrero.
Indeed the problem is large and complex but for an administration devoted
to ignoring fine print and complexities... It is amazing to me that a president
has the authority to legalize the illegal in an effort to secure untold
thousands of "grateful" votes in 2004.
However, let's not give the Bushette
crew credit for deep humane thinking. The delay in the legalization of
"undocumented Mexicans" will coincide with the the most political
advantage date for the election of a republican Hispanice to succeed retiring
U.S. Senator Phil Gram.
In other words, we give illegal Mexicans
our country (without any training as most citizens-to-be have to have)
and you vote in our man in the Senate... compassion conservatism Smirk
Am I for it?
NO. Emphatically NO. I think the Mexicans
should be held to the same standards of citizenship as every other nationality.
If you want to make life better for
Mexicans, improve their economy.
Does anyone remember how Clinton was
crucified by the repugnants when he proposed loaning them big bucks to
help out?
Ah... no one in the brown-neck news
media seems to...

BTW - here's
a prediction - there is a distinct possibility that George W. will NOT
seek reelection in 2004.
There are reasons - it's not a wild

The religious
bigots want - DEMAND - that we humanists who respect dignity and diversity
as precious human rights are constantly trying to take away OUR right to
self determination. They know best for us. And so, in continued stealth
actions, officials (spell that S-N-E-A-K-Y, U-N-D-E-R-H-A-N-D-E-D S-L-E-A-Z-E-B-A-G-S)
that betray their local, state and federal public oaths are trying to turn
back women's rights to stone age by following the dictates of religious
panderers (I'm sorry, but well-heeled multi-millionaire living Roman Catholic
bishops and up as well as the Jerry Falwells, etc., of the protestant fundy
movement turn my stomach.) How dare they?
But anyway, there's this Brooklyn district
attorney Charles J. Hynes who is trying an end-around run to try to get
a dead fetus declared a dead "human being."
The fetus died at approximately 8 months
gestation when its mother was killed in an automobile accident. The driver
- an ex-cop who was drunk - is also being charged with other deaths in
the accident so the "unborn" child death is completely unnecessary.
To compound the tear jerking web of
deceit, the New York Times is referring to the fetus by a name given
to the little corpse way after death... what sleaze to use a human tragedy
in such a way.
The aim, of course, is to have a fetus
(and thus by inference any human zygote formed by the uniting of two ametes,
a perfectly normal biological occurrence with all mammals including rats
and elephants) to be classified as a full-blown human being.
Making a zygote a human being would
mean that any abortion would be illegal because it would be murder.
No UIDs would be allowed because that's
murder and no birth control pills because that's murder - both methods
allow the meeting of the sperm and egg and thus to nut cases of the world,
instant souls.
Only barrier-type birth control where
the sperm can't touch the egg would be allowed - the one type that is primarily
controlled by MEN!
In other words, not only does a few
cells become what it is not, but it will also become MORE important than
the host mother.
ANYTHING that happens, natural or not,
to that "unborn child," i.e., the zygote, and the mother can/will
be prosecuted for murder (depending, of course, on her lifestyle in her
obedience to man).
That's the eventual power of the word/slogans
such as "unborn child," "it's a baby not a choice,"
What does the freedom for women side
"Choice," "pro-choice"
...doesn't roll off the tongue does it?

By the way,
one of the itsy-bitsy mentions on the infamous Mexican state dinner was
the sauce that was made with tequilla... Now Smirk the x/o$o$o$ (illegal
oval office occupant) is ADMITTEDLY a man with a drinking problem which
to anyone with experience in such things spells alcoholic.... and Laura
gives every indication of the same malady but first ladies who abuse alcohol
and drink are common ingrediants of most recrent republican first ladies
- and yet the royalettes are toying with the taste of liquor.
This my friends is probably the very,
very worst news to come out of that building on Pennsylvania that has been
going from unconscionable to since Elvis left the building last January.
I've been exposed in very close ways
to several alkies - and not one of them in their sober periods would DARE
even touch anything that tasted of liquor. I remember a dinner at a very,
very posh restaurant where one very chic alkie choked and spit out a piece
of desert all over the table, then desperately drank water and ate lemons
to try to get rid of the taste... and sweated out the overwhelming feeling
to get to the real stuff.
Alkies who want to stay sober don't
toy with liquor - taste or content.
Looking at the AP and Reuters photos
of the evening and the sillier than usual look on Bushette's face that
included the buddy-buddy actions with Mexico's President Fox, one might
almost suspect he was doing more than tasting the taste of liquor.
A dyslexic drunk...
Yeah, the Bushette junta members had
better have prayer meetings.

This week's
if-it-concerns-their-precious-thingie, forget justice occurred in Ontario,
A drunken man came home and started
beating on his son.
His wife grabbed him and connected with
his testicles (which the writer calls the family jewels although most of
the time they are pretty sad pieces of useless paste).
He struggled, she dug in her LONG nails
and... well, the headline said she ripped the jewels out of the moorings
but it wasn't that bad.
Let's quote the article: "Durham
Regional Police... called to couple's Pickering, Ont., townhouse...
saw a man holding himself in excruciating pain and that's when they realized
the nature of his injuries,' Malik said."
the hospital, doctors froze the wound of Barrington Wayne, 46, and "re-assembled
the family jewels."
The common law wife was the one arrested.
The holder of the "family jewels was not.
I guess they figure a drunk who beats
a kid isn't a criminal.
Mothers are arrested because she didn't
defend the kid and then she's prosecuted because she DID defend the kid.
Family jewels, indeed. I guess you have
to take into consideration the hanging bags the heist is carried off in...
Even Canada is getting nutso.

The repugnants
have thrown this nation to the edge of a full-blown depression in only
eight months. Instead of pulling back its obscene tax cut to the rich,
it will take at least $10 BILLION dollars out of YOUR future social security
for this year's gutted budget. These losses will not be paid back in your
lifetime because the economy will be so badly injured (as it was in the
1930s) that the revenues won't be there.
The entire future of social security
hangs in balance.
As for the very successful propaganda
that has CONVINCED most boomers that there will be no social security for
them, what's a matter, you stupid?
Add up the figures. It ain't so.
What is going to take away your social
security nest egg is what the repugnants are doing now, giving it to the
OK Cateyes - this is what you can do.
Lots of letters to congress (again, snail, fax, etc., NOT email which is
ignored). Get active in your local democratic party. Yeah, you might have
ARE IN POWER NEED GETTING OUT. Three or four of you showing up in some
of these love fests they conduct will shake their booties...
Letters to the editor - magazines, phone
calls to call in radio shows - talk to your friends and neighbors - Just
do something.
(The information for the above segment
was taken from the 09-07-2001 report by Alan Fram of the Associated Press.)

From all indications,
Jennifer Cable at 15 was lured into a sexual relationship with her uncle
who was also her stepfather.
Connecticut authorities refused to do
anything about it according to parts of Jennifer's family.
Jennifer and her uncle have had three
childrena and she is pregnant, at 21, with a fourth. DNA proves the uncle,
Gary Cable who is 50, is the father. The old man - THREE times the girl's
age - lives with her openly.
Finally the Connecticut authorities
moved - and yeah MAN DID THEY SHOW THOSE BITCHES! They arrested the *girl*
as well as the man (he's now out on bail and the kids are in state hands).
Jennifer and Gary Cable were arrested on four counts each of third-degree
sexual assault. The charges stem from state statutes that prohibit incestuous
Authorities say Gary Cable is not charged
with any serious sex offenses because, according to *their* investigation,
the couple's first baby was conceived shortly after Jennifer turned 16...
although that begs the question of when they started having sex.

I think it can't get more dishonest in the oval office, along comes a revelation
that the Bushette people have "lost" the Clinton appointments
to the socially and influential board of trustees of the Kennedy Center.
So... They
will appoint their own.
Five men
were officially notified they were getting six-year terms and special boxes
at the center's concert halls last December and now Bushette's junta are
saying "we can't find the papers... no papers, no appointments so
we are setting them aside and picking our own."
anyone of the Supreme Court?

A new twist
in the "man has a right to breed" is wending its way through
the court system.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
has handed down a "seminal" (their word) ruling to reinstate
an inmate's claim that the California Departmentof Corrections denied him
his constitutional right to procreate. The inmate and his wife hoped to
use artificial insemination to become parents.
Has anyone thunk this through?
Is a man has a right to procreate while
in prison, why not a woman?
Why not EVERY woman, married or single,
having the right to have a child or children while in jail.
If it's OK for gander, then it's got
to be OK for goosey.

From Senator
Boxer, Aug. 1, 2001:
The United
States Senate passed an amendment authored by Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
requiring the Bush Administration to immediately set a tougher standard
for arsenic in drinking water. It also reinstates the community right-to-know
program, which will result in yearly mailings detailing the amount of arsenic
in the water supply.
set a deadline for a reason to provide the American people with better
health protection as soon as possible,"
said Boxer. "I am encouraged that the
Senate supported my amendment. If the President won't protect people from
this dangerous poison in their drinking water, Congress will."

As one who
considers Florida her spiritual home (two of my children and half my grandchildren
still reside there) the news of Janet Reno's run for the governorship is
like a sunrise after a storm.
She will need everyone of you to help
with $$$ - even a few bucks - and truth squads to contra-act what will
be intense propaganda. Trust me, the right HATES her. Most of the failings
of Reno as AG was the intentional fault of Freeh, that pitiful excuse of
an Feebie director who sold his soul to the right winger radicals and murdered
people to try to dishonor a very fine woman. Mr. Freeh, I really wish there
was a hell for your retirement through eternity.
(I wonder what happened to all those
laptop computers and guns that went missing under director Freeh's watch...
he got a WONDERFUL pension, by the way.)

This wry remark
is from an email list I'm on:
$300.00 is all it takes to buy your vote for 2004, then I must assume that
spending the budget surplus, unemployment the highest since "daddy"
was pres, giving defense secrets to the Chinese, and then building a mystical
shield to shoot down the those same rockets we taught them to build, is
information you do not want to hear!"

"Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of
the winner of this year's presidential election, the identity of the loser
is perfectly clear. It is the nation's confidence in the judge as an impartial
guardian of the law."
-- John Paul Stevens, U.S. Supreme Court Justice,
Dissent Opinion on Florida Vote Recount.
The repugnants
thought the American people would forget in a few weeks... there is every
indication that the anger the people feel towards the stealing of the presidency
is growing, not fading. Let us not forget for one moment that the thief
in the oval office is illegal - and he may try to legalize Mexican illegals,
but he'll never legalize himself.

Imagine -
*A World*
* In which women's rights are human rights
* Where prostitution and sex trafficking do not exist
* Where women are free and equal in dignity and rights
* Where no woman is sexually exploited
* That recognizes and values the great genius of women in the development
of civilization and cultures
* Where women have sexual integrity and autonomy
The web
site was created by Donna M. Hughes, Education and Research Coordinator,
The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, Eleanor M. and Oscar M. Carlson
Endowed Chair, Women's Studies Program, University of Rhode Island, USA.

One in eight
women in our country will develop breast cancer during her lifetime, compared
to one in 20 a generation ago. And 46,000 American women will die of breast
cancer this year.
Time for your monthly breast exam -
remember, the breast you examine is the one you want to keep.

Women's rights are young and tender
and we must protect them from the plagues of theocratic righteousness hiding
in the bushes.