September 7, 2001
Is anyone keeping
a list of this shit the radical republican religious right wing rich reactionary
thugs are trying to pull off: offaling our oval office?
(Dear readers, did you *really* think
I'd mellow? Catt's Claws is about telling it like it is. No excuses. No
wimpy lady-like blushings and stammers. This is my opinion. Read it, get
angry and do something... OR... Unsubscribe. BTW, I know it's been awhile
so maybe you've forgotten you're subscribed. Just let me know you want
gone. We have never and will never send Catt's Claws to anyone who hasn't

religious bigots U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and Smirk the x/o$o$o$
(illegal oval office occupant) keep wanging the American dream with both
hands (the choice of verb is intentional) --
This time
it is abandoning the Mcrosoft antitrust suit. Hey, whazamatter youse stupid
people out there, don't you know that the richest man/men in the world
need the protection of the U.S. taxpayers?
In tandem
with this Microsoft giveaway, Ashcroft and Smirk-the x/o$o$o$ is also pulling
away from the Janet Reno-Bill Clinton justice department suit against the
tobacco industries. Tobacco lied, cheated, and maimed millions of Americans
- and are working hard to addict yet another generation.
Even pot
is better than tobacco - after all, on pot you may realize you're killing
yourself but you don't care.
You may
cough your lungs out the same as tobacco but you think you're keeping in
time with hip-hop so who cares.
Where is
our national conscience leadership?
We are
more unthinking than the Germans were in 1933 when Hitler took over.
We lay
on our backs and wave our little paws in the air, begging: "Screw
me again, screw me again."
with us? Have we been declawed?
Get out
those letters into the snail mail. (don't bother emailing because no one
is reading email. They have special hardware to sum up keywords and the
entire thing, on the whole, is discareded.).
My favorite
method is still using a blank check - cut off the routing number - and
send to the hateful politician with the words, "I will write the BIGGEST
check I can to defeat you at the next election..... (and give your BRIEF
I have
gotten answers!!!
Not always
nice ones, but answers.

here we are again with a news series of Catt's Claws. It's been a bit under
two years -
I've been trying to let the world evolve without my directions ;-)
But dammit,
those people make it soooo hard.
With the
Bushette junta in Washington dirtying up the oval office with increased
pollution that will eventually kill a goodly proportion of the people of
this planet - and under the fetid fog of financial greed encouraging the
corporate rape of the middle and lower financial classes
Well, kids,
its just plain impossible not to get really, really mad.
The last
Catt's Claws episode was backwhen the repugnants were trying to impeach
President Bill Clinton.
We got
through that and I thought, my time of activism has passed - it's time
for the kids to take over.
But dammit
- the Smirk that was elevated BY A CORRUPT U.S. Supreme Court to the besmirk
the reputation of every evil man who has ever lived in the White House
(and we've had one or two ;-})
This is
really messing up my old age.
I should
be rocking in my chair watching reruns of Ginger Rogers dancing rings around
Fred Astaire and sipping lemonade instead pounding a computer in frustration
- fortunately I'm not fond of lemonade.
I don't
think I've had a untroubled night's rest since November 2000 when I watched
the electoral process of this nation get flushed down the toilet in the
biggest buy-out of principles this nation has seen since the Southern Baptist
church members deserted the regular Baptist church because they believed
owning another human being was a god-given right.

So here
I am back on my little ole mare-charger out to do battle...
Why do
I feel like r2 d2 in a sandstorm instead of the U.S. women's soccer team
on their way to gold?
I guess
it's time to kick... sand in the bully's eyes.

Gandy who has labored more than 12 years in National NOW executive positions
under the direction of Patricia Ireland and who crisscrossed this country
lobbying on NOW funds just edged out Florida's Toni Van Pelt for the National
NOW presidency by 72 votes.
Do not
hold your breath for a revitalization of NOW -
Toledo who loomed on the horizon for several years as a bright shining
light of the future got sidetracked by an affair of the heart (when married
to a man and having two children) and moved over to the Gay and Lesbian
Task Force. We wish this very capable young woman all the best. I just
wish she was in the feminist camp instead.
and Gandy spoke out against the democrats and wildly condemned Clinton
- although how PI could condemn an affair with interns in the permissive
attitude at National NOW offices baffled many people.
BTW, just
got my first mailing piece from National NOW under the signature of Kim
as president.
The mailing
jargon isn't different than it has been since Ellie Smeal.
Lots of
bitching about what's wrong and not a single idea of how to change things
except walk down the same, lost paths of the past.
Kim - dammit,
you were so capable... Why did you become a bureaucrat instead of a feminist?
an attorney. You are not an authority in public relations and advertisng.
It's time
- and we said this *years ago and personally* to national NOW officials
while sitting in the Washington headquarters and from our first Catt's
Claws - to take advantage of the thousands of capable women in the opinion-making/changing
business and get the feminist movement going again.
Women of
great ability are out here - they want to help. Let them.
of yet another conference on lesbian rights, let's call a conference of
action - call for women to step forward with ideas to counteract the latest
in right wing women hating propaganda.

news media reported 09-06-2001: "The White House
on Thursday rejected a demand to turn over documents sought by Congress
in an inquiry into how the Bush administration's energy policy was formed."
and gentlemen, we should be talking very, very seriously about impeachment.
This energy
"problem" loomed large on the horizon early this year when the
Bushette junta took over with a concerted propaganda ploy (with the cooperation
of big Bushette contributing power companies that turned down production)
to put the nation into a sudden panic.
No more
power shortage.
Ain't that
What it
was was the executive branch of the United States government in anti-trust
collusion with energy producers to defraud the
Your congressional
rep and senators not doing enough.
Light a
fire under their butts - light em up like...
that sensational fireworks display in Washington, D.C. Wednesday night
that welcomed Mexico's president Fox to the White House.
A whole
series of articles were dutifully printed by the brown-neck Washington
press corps and their republican masters about how the budge for state
dinners was being cut and that they would not be as extravagant as those
held during the wanning months of the Clinton administration.
The implication,
of course, that Bushette's junta is was tightening its belt, being like
the rest of Amerika and Clinton was a badie.
was that the Bushettes then turned around and spent almost $250,000 on
an unannounced fireworks display that is said to have rivaled the millenian
It started
at 11 pm and set security alerts going all over the town. No one knew what
was happening and some thought it was a missile attack. Seriously, guards,
police and even some military people were running around with guns drawn...
Best comment
we've heard:
is the president doing making so much noise this late at night?" asked
one young, female concert-goer. "Shouldn't he
be sleeping so he can do his job?"
yeah, other than saying the guests numbered about 130, the administration
that said the White House would again be America's house again REFUSED
to release the guest list.
(BTW, georgie
may have lost a goodly block of parent's votes as the noise of the very
elaborate display woke children from a sound sleep all over the area.)
Yep, Georgie
the lesser, you're returning the White House to traditional republican
Next stage...
like your father, will you in the oval office plan the murder of thousands
of innocent people in the various contra affairs,
the BLOOD of thousands of nobody people to advance a coverup of a coverup.
Hey, Bill
come back and have good clean sex in the oval office. At least the only
one you hurt was yourself.

you male f******s from HMOs who sit around the conference tables deciding
how to spend OUR tax dollars while playing under the table making yourselves
feel important - stop sending us valentine candy - send us concrete facts
on how to treat heart attacks that kill an average of 250,000 women A YEAR
- accounting for 43% of the heart attacks in the U.S.
A study
in the August 15, 2001, edition of the Journal of the American Medical
Association reviewed 593 studies published from 1966 through March
of last year and found the enrollment of women in medical studies has risen
from 20 percent for studies published through 1990 to 25 percent for those
published from 1991-2000.
Yet about
250,000 women a YEAR die of heart attacks, about 43 percent of all U.S.
heart at tacks.
That breaks
down that 57% of the deaths from heart attacks are suffered by men who
get 75%.
The result
is that doctors don't know HOW to treat women - are using male-proven drugs
sparingly because they aren't sure of the dangers... with the result that
women are dying of heart attacks that many if not most men will survive.
The same
situation exists for the elderly - those 75 and over - who suffer the "Philip
Morris" kind of whiplash: don't bother studying them because they
die and that saves on medical bills, etc.
Who is
studied and treated?
Can you
say REPUBLICAN RICH men like
But until
women start bitching and acting to change things, nothing will change.
WILL CHANGE because the goodness of the patriarchal society is directed
at themselves, not dumb broads who put up with being treated like disposable
Die. Die.
Die. And be replaced by svelt young things who don't realize they are next
to the slaughter.

left arm pain/numbness - it doesn't happen with women, but I NEED REAL
FACTS and I will print them regularly in Catt's Claws. The aspirin a day
doesn't seem to work for women...

dirty tricks to get things worked up in Florida and line up the Cuban radicals
for the reelection of Jeb Bushette(whose picture as a naked little boy
the U.S. president georgie showed around as a funny on a dinner that was
televised nationally).
One example:
the rumor flew around the national news that Fidel Castro was going to
bring Elian to a UN conference. The newspapers dutifully reported that
shithead rumor without asking once, NOT ONCE, why would he do anything
so stupid?
They also
failed to check with Castro or the Cuban government.
It turns
out that the rumor was started by the crazies of that splinter group of
REPUBLICAN bushette supporting Cuban refugee money grubbers .
One little
It wasn't

rumor persists that Smirk and the junta that put him in power is in favor
of a nuclear missile buildup by China and India and Pakistan in order for
his CEO masters to make lots more money...
Now stop
laughing at the idiot and join the rest of the world in getting scared
with Bushette at the helm of the most powerful nation in the world.

projections show the slumping economy and the president's $1.3 trillion
tax cut is quickly eating up the non-Social Security surplus.
social security future, kiddies. Better do something about it.
My generation
is probably covered but yours is in danger.
if Smirk and company succeed in siphoning off at least 10% of all social
security money for Wall Street brokerage fees when they privitize.

the New York Times editorial of September 4, 2001 (isn't it nice
to have a WOMAN heading the NY Times editorial board?):
Princeton University's president, Shirley Tilghman, appointed Amy Guttman,
a professor of political science, as provost in July, Princeton became
the first major research university to have women in the two highest posts.
Women now hold the presidencies at three of the eight Ivy League institutions:
Dr. Tilghman at Princeton, Judith Rodin at the University of Pennsylvania
and Ruth J. Simmons at Brown.
"Nationwide, 19 percent of American
college presidents, more than 400 in all, are women, up from 9.5 percent
in 1986. With the number of women presidents, faculty and doctoral students
all on the rise, the academic world seems to be dismantling what was once
seen as a veritable old-boy network."
the editorial goes on to state that women only make up "26%
of tenured faculty but nearly half of the non-tenure track."
And of
course there are "still significant disparities between men's and
women's salaries for comparable jobs."
But times
they is a'changin' - there were not (zilch, nada, no chickens here) women
in Ivy League presidencies just eight years ago.
* * *
Only five
women lead Fortune 500 companies and one of those, according to recent
news reports, is making a bid to be the leader of a new-style IBM size
company. From
said yesterday that it was acquiring Compaq Computer for $25 billion in
stock in a bold move to grow as the computer industry struggles with shrinking
"The merger, if completed, would
produce a company with total revenue only slightly less than that of I.B.M.,
the largest computer company. But both Hewlett-Packard and Compaq have
recently seen revenue slide and profit plunge because of a industry slowdown,
and both have announced job cuts... Hewlett-Packard and Compaq said the
merged company would be in a position to compete with I.B.M. across virtually
its entire product line."
By the
way, Hewlett-Packard is also working on an improved, user-friendly Linux
system that may replace the bloated and unreliable Windows.
And who
is guiding all this?
S. Fiorina who became chief executive of Hewlett-Packard in 1999 when she
was hired away from Lucent Technologies.
Oh, by
the way, it appears "Wall Street" which translates to MEN of
the Glass Ceiling are downplaying it.
Get naked and pregnant Ms. Fiorina and back to the kitchen.

A recent
expose reveals that the long suffering women who have been made unhappy
because they don't produce magical orgasms with the least effort by men
because of their elusive "G" spots have been the victims of a
There is
no "G" spot in a woman's vagina - there is no magical place of
super nerve endings that when stimulated turn into fireworks and the best
sex you've ever imagined.
There are
NO nerve endings in a woman's vagina which also proves that a PHYSICAL
vaginal orgasm is impossible. (As one woman wag put it, having bundles
of nerve endings in a vagina would certainly give a new meaning to the
pain of child birth).
The argument
rages on many discussion groups - headed mostly by men and women who have
libidos that are more in their heads and imaginations than reality.
Well, some
get their kicks from high heel shoes or rubber inflated dolls, so who am
I to judge.
But the
fact remains, the ordinary woman and her partner should stop looking for
the "G" spot. If you haven't figured out from your experience,
there ain't no such place recent studies have shown it doesn't exist.
instead, on the basics...

Emergency Contraception (EC or Morning After Pill). Phone number is 1-800-584-9911,
available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, and will refer you to the nearest
place to get EC. The EC hotline has information about emergency contraception
and has a directory of more that 1800 clinicians willing to prescribe emergency
contraceptives. On the web:

Women's rights are young and tender
and we must protect them from the plagues of theocratic righteousness hiding
in the bushes.