June 8, 2000
Listen up here... especially you liberal purists
who can't tell an endangered owl from the endangered form of government
that is saving your ass.
We've got a tremendous election
coming up in November and our way of life is in grave danger.
Our way of life has gone through
eight years of mauling by the media - a media that is increasingly bought
and paid for by extremist right wing ideologists and Nazi sympathizers.
Moneyed businessmen who want more are joined by power hungry religious
extremists who beg money from pulpits set up inside your TV sets to make
themselves richer united to spend dozens of millions of dollars to ruin
Bill Clinton.
Why ruin Clinton, the beloved
of the black race, the champion of women's rights, and flawed human being
- no more flawed than many. (After all, Ronnie Reagan was accused of rape,
not just sexual harassment and the case was pretty strong. His money and
position in Hollywood got him out of that one.)
Why target Clinton (and before
him Carter, and Johnson and Kennedy in a revisionist history while ignoring
the HIGH TREASON of Nixon)?
Because a ruined Bill Clinton
would teach every future democratic hopefuls that no matter how popular
a president might be, they will be destroyed by the monied hypocrites with
the "RRRR" tattooed on their foreheads.
Not only will the dirty tricks
campaigns discourage humanitarian candidates, but they hope it will turn
off their view of the Tide-clean soccer moms from becoming involved in
the political scene. The ultimate aim being to keep women away from the
voting booths.
Women control who gets elected
in this country.
If the "soccer-moms"
stay away from the voting booths, the "RRRRRs" will own the presidency.
There will be nothing to prevent them from completely and totally destroying
every civil rights gain women, blacks, disabled, etc., have won in the
past 150 years.
Remember, if only men's votes counted, George
Bush Sr., would have served two terms and Bob Dole would be president today
(and Janet Reno wouldn't be attorney general).
One "feminist" took umbrage with my
charge on an mail list about the ultimate aim of the "RRRRRs."
She obviously hasn't been paying
one iota of attention to what's been going on in the U.S. Supreme Court
in the last half dozen years as the five-vote majority of right-wingers
has been systematically dismantling our legislative decency and civil rights
Recently the court imperiously
struck down an important ingredients of the Violence Against Women act
that CONGRESS HAD MANDATED. In other words, to hell with the congress.
By voiding VAWA, the court comes close to making women fair game along
with squirrels and n----rs.
The ultra-conservative right-wing supremes have
handed down a number of high handed ruling to unravel the rights of women
since they got majority power - just as their counterparts in the Congress
have been trying to do - only prevented by the veto power of Clinton.
All while our muzzled news media
sucks its lollipops of high salaries that throw them into republican-size
tax brackets...
The U.S. Supreme court is determined to Balkanize
our nation by throwing the balance of power to state governments such as
Mississippi and Idaho and Georgia and giving almost president-like power
to bigots such as Jesse Helms.
This will result in the destruction
of the rights of women, minorities, and children - all of whom have seen
their civil and human rights gains guaranteed by the FEDERAL government
over the objections of your state governments.
A recent minority report by Justice
Souter explains this danger.
Testosterone patriarchal power in a Shrub Bush
victory this November will crush our fragile liberties so fast that we
won't even see it coming B and faster yet if the Congress or just the Senate
remains in Republican hands.
The most telling thing about Shrub is his statement
that he would make Anton Scalia his chief justice. Scalia is more Nazi-like
than Pat Buchanan. He doesn't believe women have the right to anything
under the "original intent" of the U.S. Constitution. He has
voted against women and human rights 100%.
So when your "liberal" or "feminist"
leaders stand around with their thumbs in strange places while trying to
straddle the political fence that will rape them, examine what such a "non-partisan"
policy is doing.
It is immobilizing our will to
get out the vote and organize effective campaigning for our protection.
Instead of taking aim at the radical religious
right-wing reactionary republicans, the feminist "leaders" with
their bully platforms are CRITICIZING and shooting cannons at Al Gore and
Bill Clinton and hardly mentioning the evils of Armey, Helms, Lott, Watts,
Shrub Bush, etc., etc.
What are they thinking? Are they
thinking? How can they be so divorced from reality?
The reality, Mrs. Jones, is either
or. It is not maybe or wait until next election.
The unvarnished truth of the matter is that all
the chips that protect women's rights go down on the square called November
7, 2000.
No fudging, not compromises.
It's one or the other. There are no other options.
For the past 50 years, the radical religious right-wing
republican reactionaries have spent billion$ to overthrown this nation's
conscience and will.
They are close to winning because
they have brainwashed so many.
Don't be one of those walking
airheads. There is no tomorrow. There is no recovery.
A vote for Shrub November 7,
2000 gives complete power to the religious righters who are aiming to destroy
women's rights.
A vote for Al Gore will preserve
women's rights.
What part of this can't you understand?
OK, if you STILL don't get it, Mrs. Jones - then
look at it this way:
The U.S. Supreme Court can with
one stroke of its pen eliminate women's right to vote. One vote backed
by a Congress that agrees with the reactionary principles and a cutsey
president who isn't smart enough to tie his shoe laces. (As one TV personality
said, "I wants a president who's smarter than the janitor of my building.")
This election is THAT important.
Dig it?
Either / or - Al Gore or the radical religious
right - there are no other options.
So you'd better get out there and campaign. The
rights you save will be covering your own ass.

A recent article in the NY Times quoted
a researcher as saying that the strongest predictor of long-term marriage
was the female's ability to sooth the male!
You know this spoiled brat attitude
starts at cradle-level when boys are given instant gratification while
most girls learn to wait. No matter how old your children are, make a concerted
attempt just one day to treat them exactly the same. Chances are the boys
will be throwing tantrums by the days end or at least being very, very
confused. No matter how scrupulous we think we're being evenhanded, the
amazing pressures of society contaminate our efforts at almost every level.
We aren't doing our sons a favor
by raising them to be spoiled bratty-men.

Have y'all really missed Catt's Claws?

The little Bush, Shrub, is going around the country
trying to sell his tax cut proposal. He claims that it will change the
life of a single mother of three who is struggling on only $22,000 a year.
Although they don't call it the
bull crap meter, surf on over to http://www.georgewbush.com
and plug $22,000 and three deductions into the Bush Tax Calculator. It
appears the compassionate conservative little Bush will save the poor mother
$110 a year. Now plug in $60,000 or $300,000 and see the money they'll
be getting back. It's like hitting the jackpot at a casino.
Gore on the other hands is seeking
better education, child care, and going after deadbeat dads who don't support
their children - all good solid ways to help poor single women cope. Good
child care (if you can find it) costs more than $50 a week - 50 times 52
equals $2600 EVERY year as compared to Bush's one-time $110.
Well, I guess the "RRRRRs"
are certain none of us peons can do the math.

Is the number of men in a female's life written
in her genes? Professor Patricia Parker of the University of Missouri at
St. Louis is studying the question according to an article by an adult
male who turns typically juvenile when the word sex is mentioned.
He even brings the learned professor
within sex reach by dropping her Ph.D. and calling her "Patty."
Like calling Steve Hawkins "Stevie." (Yeah, I know, I've lost
my sense of humor. Yeah? Well, let bull hockey replace your toupee. It's
not sense of humor, it's respect.)
Anyway, Dr. Parker is studying
hawks that inhabit the Galapagos Islands about 600 miles west of Ecuador
- the same islands that gave "Charlie" Darwin his insight into
It seems like the lady hawks
on Epanola island are monogamous while the high flying hawks on Pinta island
take on a series of lovers, all of whom help raise her young (polyandrous).
The question Dr. Parker and her
assistants (the male writer calls them co-workers as if goffers to Stephen
Spielberg are co-workers) - anyway, Dr. Parker is trying to find out if
it is the "choice" of a female to limit herself to one mate or
enjoy the many. Or Is it dictated by her genes?
Because of the isolation of the
islands, DNA studies - actually the minisatellite fingerprints - show that
each island was settled only once when hawks were blown to the islands
on tropical winds some 30,000 years ago.
Preliminary findings indicate
that each island's population descended from one female - and hawks that
are genetically uniform are also behaviorally uniform.
In short words, it appears in
PRELIMINARY studies that a female (hawk anyway) is genetically programmed
to be monogamous or polyandrous.
(The article was written by George
Johnson is a biology professor at Washington University which explains,
perhaps, the bitchiness of the article towards a more successful scientist,
female variety.)
So y'all goody two shoes who
are aghast at women who do a bit of exploring, it ain't our fault; it's
the fault of our great, great, great, great, great, (begat who begat who
begat) great grandmothers.
So there too.
So, if men can claim it's all
biology and therefor excuse being Beavis and Butthead pimpleheads on a
bag of sperm ...

One really hopes that we are winning the education
campaign against patriarchal religious prejudices that are so advantageous
to little men - and then along comes a story like this.
In a culture that still believes
that women are born to be servants of men, fulfilling their every need
so that men can sleep under the shade of a tree while the women till the
fields, keep the house, do the cooking, and bear the children - bad things
are happening in Zula-land in Africa.
A Zulu woman, Tokie Toki Sokhulu,
has been accused of violating women's rights after employing only virgins
at her factory as part of a scheme to restore the "purity" of
African culture. The women must PROVE they have intact hymens with actual
physical exams!
Sokhulu employs 24 women ages
19 to 28 in a Durban South Africa factory that manufactures soya products
and petroleum jelly.
Sokhulu who says she stayed a
virgin until her marriage at 42 founded a special organization five years
ago to which only virgins can be belong. (That initiation ceremony must
be more interesting than that of the Rainbow girls!)
"The Isivivane Samasiko
Nolwazi foundation has registered more than 7,000 women who each pay 12
rand annual membership and take pride in their status," the Reuters
article states.
What the organization actually
does is supply AIDS-free women to men.
"We are contacted by many
men some of whom are looking for wives. But we do not just sell our girls
to men. We talk to them and to the girls and we insist that the men take
blood tests to check for HIV before marrying," Sokhulus says. However,
marriage is not always the result of the male search.
Note how carefully Sokhulu worded
her statement... some... not always... before marriage.
Monthly virginity examinations
are carried out on the women at 20 locations across KwaZulu/Natal and at
four new centers in neighbouring Eastern Cape province. But even among
Zulus, Mrs. Sokhulu's campaign has been denounced as an affront to South
Africa's attempts to confront some of the backward perceptions of African
"We are feeling totally
sick about this practice because we are against people making money out
of virginity," said Futhi Zikalala, provincial manager of the Gender
Equality Commission who oppose virginity testing and virgins-only employment.
Unabashed, Sokhulu is going ahead
with plans to set up "factories" that hire only virgins in seven
more provinces.
Again, in the name of "purifying
our culture," women are being singled out as the carriers of disease
and all things evil.
Why do I have the feeling that
men who want to make sure their sexual dalliances are with HIV/AIDS free
women are behind this obvious front for prostitution. To my knowledge,
the culture allowed more than one wife.
Dr. Parker can study Sokhulu and find out if her genes come from some stray
sex-fearing, man-obeying female hawk that really got lost from the crowd.
It has always been our contention
that religions that depend on virginity and celibacy (with the definition
of virginity being no sex at all for women and celibacy is no RECENT sex
for men) - those religions were founded by men without any or sufficient
sex drive.
I imagine the whole course of
history would have changed if Saul had found Viagra instead of the great
light on the road to becoming St. Paul-of-the-hatred-of- women because
he probably couldn't get it up anymore with the boyz who may have preferred

This Viagra problem may explain, in some ways,
what is happening in Rome these days.
Seems like the Vatican is having
hissy over a proposed conference in Rome this July that may draw as many
as 200,000 gays and lesbians.
Bowing down to the Vatican pressure,
even the liberal mayor of Rome is having second thoughts because holding
it may "hurt the old pope's feelings!"
The Vatican, as you probably
know, has substituted gays and lesbians for the devil. No more ranting
and raving about Satan and hell and damnation for living a bad life!
NO! It's now "even if you
live an honest and good life, if you don't have the proper plumbing fit
you'll go to HELL!"
(In keeping with the fairness doctrine, we must
point out the Baptists and other funny fundy/charismatic churches are having
the same ideological shift.)
Fairies have replaced Mephistopheles;
chiffon has replaced scales, and drag shows and softball games have replaced
fire and brimstone. (This almost reminds me of a 1999 movie with a bunch
of foul-mouthed albeit it VERY funny kids. I ROARED but was glad to have
seen it without any of my immediate family around.)
Back to the point -
What I can't understand is how
the Vatican personnel who wear dresses in preference to pants and have
an admitted very high rate of homosexuality are taking this attitude. (Nuns
also have a high rate of lesbianism but women don't get a vote in the Vatican
Maybe it's being driven by jealousy
that the gays outside the church can be HONEST about who and what they
Or maybe some of those hawks from Galapagos islands
got blown into Rome all those centuries ago - the ones that carry the hypocrisy
Actually, it was a hawk that
had no sex drive genes and she was raped by a celibate hawk who accidentally
ingested Viagra...
I guess the hatred towards women
dates back to that original Eve-hawk who enticed that celibate hawk into
betraying his genes (or was it a Bruce-hawk?)
But there is a light at the end
of this tunnel of bigotry:
"The wives of the [Italian]
prime minister and the [Roman] mayor broke with their husbands to defend
the gay celebration, as did the leader of Rome's Jewish community, recalling
that homosexuals, long with Jews, were singled out for Nazi death camps
in World War II. Presidential candidate Al Gore has endorsed the conference,"
according to Reuters. Gore, by the way, and is a FIRM supporter of gay
and lesbian rights.
The conference organizers deny
any intention of offending the church and have invited Pope John Paul II
to address a panel on "Sexual Diversity, Religious Intolerance, and
Strategies for Change."

Look, Mr. Pope. You stay out of my bedroom and
I=ll stay out of yours. Or as some feminist said regarding John's opposition
to birth control, "You no playa the game, you no maka the rules."

"I stand before you as the thankful daughter
of two hardworking and caring parents, as the grateful wife of a loving
and supportive husband, as the proud mother of three wonderful daughters
- and now, as the first elected woman Governor of the state of New Hampshire."
This quote is from the Inaugural
Address, January 1997 by New Hampshire's first governor who was also a
woman, Jeanne Shaheen. She has crafted solutions "to issues that matter
to New Hampshire families: strengthening education from kindergarten through
college; improving health care; building a high-tech and international
economy; bringing competition to the state's electric industry; and maintaining
a fiscally responsible state government." She was overwhelmingly reelected
in 1998.

General Claudia Kennedy, the top ranked woman in the military, has retired
- and her greatest accomplishment may have occurred in the last few months
of the her illustrious 32-year career.
"These days, the sound you
hear overhead in the Army and at the Pentagon isn't an airplane breaking
the sound barrier, it's the sound of a glass ceiling being shattered,"
Lt. Gen. Claudia Kennedy said at a Pentagon ceremony in her honor.
"And the Army and the Pentagon
are better because of it," the three-star general, 52, added.
Kennedy blew the whistle on two-star
general, Maj. Gen. Larry Smith who made unwelcome sexual advances and harassment
moves on her.
Kennedy's charges sent shock
waves through the services. Tragically, several high ranking women - some
of whom have retired - criticized Kennedy saying that revealing sexual
harassment would make it tougher on other women. (HUH? Is there any more
proof that some women sold their souls to men for promotions?)
Although still unofficial, an
announcement is expected that the Army's inspector general has concluded
that Kennedy was, indeed, the victim of an improper sexual advance by Smith
four years ago when both wore two stars.
Kennedy reported the incident
and spoke about it to many friends and associates but did not file formal
charges, believing the matter would prevent her harasser from further promotion.
However, when he was promoted to the position that would put him in charge
of judging sexual harassment claims by women, she went public and filed
formal charges.
She has plans to write a book
and give speeches. We're sure a lot of sacred military bulls will be tweaked
when some of their shenanigans will be revealed. This is one high-powered

Who's living on what planet?
The Washington pundits, the talking
TV heads, are yelling and jumping up and down that the nation is suffering
from Clinton fatigue.
Yet at the same time, EVERY single
poll shows that President William Jefferson Clinton is the most popular
president with the American people and THE WORLD since Franklin Delano
Roosevelt (the president who was hated almost more than they hate Clinton.)
When are these pundits going
to rejoin the human race. Do they do anything - ANYTHING- except listen
to themselves?
I made a trip out west at the
first of the year through areas that are supposedly anti-Clinton. I always
made the polite statement: "I retired to Bill Clinton's home town.
I don't want to hear it. I'm proud of him!"
With ONE exception, dozens upon
dozens of women AND men agreed with me, in fact, usually went on and on
about how much they admired him.
Especially blacks who know perfectly
well who is their friend and who isn't.
Too bad some women don't have
the same radar.

Has anyone except me noticed the GREAT SILENCE
from the feminist leaders since the announcement that the FDA may require
a doctor's registry for those who dispense the abortion drug RU486?
Why aren't women being mobilized
to scream, yell, use political pressure to stop this unprecedented action
that will certainly prevent most doctors from using RU486. A place on the
registry will make a doctor fair game for the nut cases with guns who oppose
There is something VERY, VERY wrong with the leadership
of the feminist organizations in this country.
One "leader" went on TV to push the
sales of the political Barbie doll but can"t seem to do anything about
the FDA ruling?
Another "leader" keeps sending out fund-raising
letters in which the approval of RU486 is a primary goal but her organization
doesn't seem to get much done about it... is she still a nun?

Although the leading feminist organizations seem
to ignore the following bit of information, Catt's Claws has published
it regular for the past SIX years:
Medical authorities are saying the use of two
already approved drugs that induce abortions when used in combination has
produced a surge in abortions but no one will realize it for several years
because they are being prescribed quietly and in private in doctor's offices.
[IZS note: the abortion rate has been falling in the U.S.
for the past several years.]
Dr. Richard U. Hausknecht
of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York published a study of the
use of the combination of methotrexate and misoprostol to induce abortion
in the Aug. 31, 1995 the New England Journal of Medicine. In years past,
several doctors, including a woman doctor released the same information
and after the first news story, it was quietly ignored/suppressed.
Catt's Claws vows this time the
information will stay available.
Methotrexate is FDA-approved
for use against cancer; Misoprostol is FDA approved to treat ulcers. Because
both are FDA-approved, they can be prescribed by physicians today and together,
they produce abortions at a better rate than the RU-486 pill.
Available today at your friendly
Also available for many years
and never brought to women's attention, the drugs that produced LEGAL abortions
in women with ectopic pregnancies which could have been used just as well
for "regular" abortions. It's now known as the morning after
The correct FDA approved dosage for the morning
after abortifacient is: 2 Wyeth's Ovral or 4 tablets of Wyeth's Nordette,
Lo/Ovral or Triphasil or Berlex Laboratories Levlen or Tri-Levlen and then
take the same, second dosage exactly 12 hours later. Nausea occurs in some
cases. Vomiting, which is RARE, will prevent it from working so take an
antiemetic (antinausea) medication such as Dramamine with the pills. This
method must be used within 24-72 hours of the intercourse. Later than that
a more complex method is necessary.
For further Emergency Contraception (EC or
Morning After Pill) phone 1-800-584-9911. They are available 7 days a week,
24 hours a day, and will refer you to the nearest place to get EC.
EC has a website http://opr.princeton.edu/ec/ec.html.
EC hotline has information about emergency contraception and have a directory
of more that 1800 clinicians willing to prescribe emergency contraceptives.

Women's rights are young and tender
and we must protect them from the plagues of holy hypocrisy, newts, and
burning bushes.