February 04, 1996
On this our 100th episode
of Catt's Claws we declare that we will in every issue from now on out
intentionally break a federal law which specifically forbids the transmission
of abortion information on Internet... and seriously strikes out at the
First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution by threatening jail for "any
obscene, lewd, lascivious, or filthy..." materials.
This first inroads on our rights of free speech by
the religious right is a frightful thing. Who defines what is obscene,
lewd, lascivious, or filthy ???
We are quoting a speech by Congressional Representative
Patricia Schroeder made on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives
last week. Then we are following it with the pertinent text of the section
of the new "Telecommunications" law so you can read it yourself.
When it is signed by President Bill Clinton (who as
we have always said is a pragmatist), Catt's Claws will continue to oppose
censorship and continue to publish abortion information, etc., which will
be in direct violation of the law.
Look, let's be honest and let's for once be politically
(OH GAWD {God, a woman deity}, I can hear the screams
of the idealists of this world who still think the good tooth fairy lives
and that women will continue to fund organizations that wield no political
Clinton, as we have pointed out in the past, allowed
one of the most restrictive anti-abortion and anti-birth control laws in
the nation to be passed while he was governor because he knew that FEDERAL
laws supersedes Arkansas law. And he knows that the U.S. Constitution supersedes
Congressional spite actions.
Senator Hyde of Indiana who loves to bend over for
the religious right, hopes that Clinton will be mightily embarrassed by
not vetoing the telecommunications bill as the liberal groups such as NOW
get on Clinton's case. Suckered again, ladies if you do it.
You know, if some of these groups which spend half
their time criticizing Clinton would spend some of it by asking President
Clinton, "what can we do to help," your voices might be have
some power.
Don't blame Clinton for this. Blame Congress - and
unite to do something about things come November.
See the ploy for what it is.

Kristin Zeller forwarded
the following which was put out by the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom:
This comes straight from conference report/congressional
Mrs. Schroeder: (3 lines snipped)
"I was on the conference committee, and at 7:40
a.m. this morning was the first time I got the full bill. Let me show you
what was attached to it. These are the proposed technical corrections.
This is page 1, this is page 2, this is page 3, this is page 4, this is
page 5, and this is page 6. We have six little pages of technical corrections.
"Now maybe the rest of you are quicker than I
am, but we have been trying desperately to go through all of this and figure
out what these six pages of technical corrections are really going to do
to this bill, and because we do not have 3 days, we have until probably
about an hour and a half from now, that is it, and I think when you are
talking about a seventh of the economy, when you are talking about something
that is trillions of dollars, and I come from a district that is very impacted
by this, because we have regional Bells, we have long-distance companies,
we have got cable companies, we have got all of that. We would like to
know what this means, and the idea of 'trust us, hurry out and vote,''
I think is wrong.
"I mean, I figure I am getting my pay, and I
am getting paid to be here, and to be here and study this, and I would
hope that we know what is in it before we vote for it.
"For all of those who think they know all of
this and this is fine and this is terrific, let me tell you about one of
the things that we stumbled over as we looked at this page upon page of
corrections and stuff. We came across section 1462, which I think very
few people know is even in this bill. What it says is absolutely devastating
to women. What we are going to do is put on a high-technology gag rule
with criminal penalties. Have a nice day.
"Yes, let me read what this brings into the law
through one of these little things. It says that any drug, medicine, article,
or thing designed, adapted, or intended for producing abortion or for any
indecent or immoral use or for any written or printed card, letter, circular,
book, pamphlet, advertisement, or notice of those giving any kind of information
directly or indirectly, no matter what it means, this is going to be deemed
a Federal penalty, a Federal crime, if you transmit any of this over the
Internet. Now, this is a gag rule that is off the charts.
"One of the major things people wanted to use
Internets for was telemedicine. Does that mean anything dealing with women's
reproductive parts they cannot do this? There will be people standing up
and saying,
" 'Oh, Schroeder, cool off, that will never be
considered constitutional.' Well, if we are going to vote for things we
think are not constitutional and we are going to do it in this fast a pace,
we ought to give at least part of our salary to the judges. We are just
going to mess everything up over here and send it over to them. I do not
think so.
"Let me tell you what lawyers tell me. Lawyers
tell me do not be so quick about saying this is not constitutional; there
was a pre-1972 case that upheld the constitutionality of this. And, second,
we are talking about an international Internet. That is what our companies
want to get on. And we have now seen one case with Germany talking about
standards and what they want, and this, I think, would only give some international
gravitas to limiting what you can say about women's reproductive health
in and around the Internet no matter which side of this issue you were
"I just think, why can we not have a little technical
amendment correcting this? I think you are going to hear all sorts of people
say we did not intend that, we did not mean it, let us have a colloquy,
oh, let us, oh, let us, oh let us. Why can we not fix this? Why are not
women in the world important enough if you can have six pages of technical
corrections for every other thing you can possibly think of, some megacorporation
wants? Why can we not take a deep breath and do this? Does that mean somebody's
golf schedule in Florida is going to get upset? I do not know.
"I must say I am very saddened we are coming
to the floor with this rule saying we have to waive the 3-day proposal
where we have time to read this and digest this, because I really do not
think anybody here could pass a test. I really do not.
"I was on the conference committee. Let me tell
my colleagues, those conference committees were absolutely nonsubstantive.
We would all gather in a room, best dressed, the TV camera from C-SPAN
II would pan us, that would be the end of it.
"I really hope people vote 'no'' on this rule."
(End of Schroeder's remarks on the floor of the House
of Representatives.)

Section 1462 of title 18,
as amended, states: "Whoever brings into the United States, or any
place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, or knowingly uses any express
company or other common carrier, or interactive computer service, as defined
in section 230(e)2 of the Communications Act of 1934, for carriage in interstate
or foreign commerce --
(a) any obscene, lewd, lascivious, or filthy book,
pamphlet, picture, motion-picture film, paper, letter, writing, print,
or other matter of indecent character; or
(b) any obscene, lewd, lascivious or filthy phonograph
recording, electrical transcription, or other article or thing capable
of producing sound; or
(c) any drug, medicine, article, or thing designed,
adapted, or intended for producing abortion, or for any indecent or immoral
use; or any written or printed card, letter, circular, book, pamphlet,
advertisement, or notice of any kind giving information, directly or indirectly,
where, how, or of whom, or by what means any of such mentioned articles,
matters, or things may be obtained or made..."

By the way, we have been
reading very contradictory statements about whether this law can be enforced
or has already been rendered unconstitutional.
We cannot take chances.
It must be struck down as soon as possible.
Do you realize that the "Abortion Services"
ads in the yellow pages are forbidden by this?
Read those paragraphs of the law again.
Then email President@whitehouse.gov and ask President
Clinton to veto; send the bill back to have those terrible sections eliminated.
It is a blatant attempt by the religious right to
infringe on our rights.

Medical authorities are saying
the use of two already approved drugs that induce abortions when used in
combination has produced a surge in abortions but no one will realize it
for several years because they are being prescribed quietly and in private
in doctor's offices.
Dr. Richard U. Hausknecht of Mount Sinai School of
Medicine in New York published a study of the use of the combination of
methotrexate and misoprostol to induce abortion in the Aug. 31 in the New
England Journal of Medicine. In years past, several doctors, including
a woman doctor released the same information and after the first news story,
it was quietly ignored/suppressed.
Catt's Claws vows this time the information will stay
Methotrexate is FDA-approved for use against cancer;
Misoprostol is FDA approved to treat ulcers. Because both are FDA-approved,
they can be prescribed by physicians today and together, they produce abortions
at a better rate than the RU-486 pill.
Available today at your friendly M.D.
Also available for many years and never brought to
women's attention, the drugs that produced abortions in women with ectopic
pregnancies and the so-called morning after pill given to many rape victims.

P.S. - Forbes' straight tax
would RAISE taxes 2% on families which earn less than $39,000 a year and
eliminate all taxes on inheritence (of which Stevie got some $400 million
when his daddy died).

Women's rights are young and tender
and we must protect them from the plagues of holy hypocrisy and newts.