November 09, 1995
Men's fear of latex
condom allergies is almost completely unfounded since the way (even where)
condoms are manufactured is more stringent than the way latex gloves are
manufactured. It is the poorly manufactured gloves that are causing allergic
reaction headlines.
What is going on, really? Isn't latex latex? Not really
any more than pasteurized milk and raw milk are alike. Read the full dope
and not the tales of fear that are passed around the bar or locker room.
Most of the latex gloves are made out of the country
(Asia) where manufacturers, in order to cut costs and up production, have
decreased the manufacturing purification process of latex. So, the gloves,
etc., that they manufactured there contain large dosages of the protein
antigen. It is protein antigen that causes the reaction.
That allergic reacting protein antigen is washed away
during the manufacture of condoms made in the U.S. The process is completely
Let me repeat, the condoms manufactured in the U.S.
are washed clear of the protein antigens which cause the allergies.
In other words, condoms are made to much more exacting
standards than latex gloves...
There is an antigen test. Any male partner who refuses
to use latex condoms because of a fear of allergic reaction should be refused
sex unless he tests positive to the test.
Remember, condoms are a woman's BEST and usually her
ONLY protection against AIDS in vaginal sex. It is a FACT that women face
being infected by AIDS from an infected man at almost three times the rate
that occurs in vaginal sex from woman to man.
Use of latex dental dams in female oral sex is not
recommended because it is manufactured under the less stringent way that
gloves are, and the dust can be inhaled or ingested - and that dust is
highly charged with the protein antigen. Latex dental dams should be replaced
with ordinary plastic film such as Saran Wrap or Handi-Wrap, but make sure
it is the non-porous variety.
However, stats on woman to woman transmission of AIDS
through oral sex is very, very slim to almost negligible. That's according
to the CC although there are some groups who are disagreeing, but they
aren't producing stats.
Washing the latex products and rinsing them well is
one way to limit the allergic reactions.
A CONDOM DOES .. Remember, AIDS means you are forever dead.

Several women have written
me lately asking what to do about filthy stuff about women that is being
passed around the net, usually by high school or college-age men.
Personally, I write the systems manager of their college
or school and enclose the article and then forward any subsequent articles
to them. Most responsible systems managers take action but if they don't,
send copies to the president of the university or to the school principal.
Just make sure you are dealing with really offensive stuff and not just
some sophomore trying to make himself feel important.
Remember that most of the guys who do this sort of
thing are outcasts who can't get dates and are using Internet as revenge
against women they feel are unjustly ignoring them. Popular, well adjusted
men don't do Internet flames.
Always remember and if you must answer (and we don't
suggest it) make sure you treat them like the maladjusted, sexually impotent
children they are.
I don't believe in censorship but I do believe in
the sender having to take responsibility for what they do. If a man is
distributing porno, HIS name, address, and phone number should appear on
each piece of "art."
Let him distribute it, but MAKE his responsible for
what he does. Report him to his systems manager and if any threats are
made, turn him over to the FBI - it's interstate communications - it's

"Government has a final
responsibility for the welfare of its citizens. If private cooperative
effort fails to provide work for willing hands and relief for the unfortunate,
those suffering hardship through no fault of their own have a right to
call upon the government for aid. And a government worthy of the name must
make a fitting response."
-- President Franklin Delano
Roosevelt in his State of the Union message, 1938.
"Blackmail is not the
way to do it, and I am not going to be blackmailed. And I am not going
to just sign a budget that I know will put people out of nursing homes
or deprive people of the chance to go to college, or children the chance
to be in Head State, or compromise the environment. I'm not going to do
that: I'm just not going to do that."
-- President Bill Clinton, 1995.
According to The Washington
Spectator, a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll put public
disapproval of the Republican plans for slashing Medicare and Medicaid
at 58 percent - and 67 percent said they opposed cuts in Medicare even
if it means higher deficits - and some 69 percent said "Leave Medicare
The innate compassion and decency of the American
people is coming out and the pendulum is swinging back towards social responsibility.
Unfortunately (trust me) the Republican religious
right will be looking for some violence or dramatic way to reassert bigotry
as a way of political life.
Ben A. Franklin, editor of the Washington Spectator,
said in the November issue, "By the year's end, the outcome of such
setbacks, any Clinton vetoes and the Republicans' fixation on poll results
may begin to tell us whether, as foreseen by some political historians,
we are in for the decades-long struggle with a reactionary majority in
Congress or whether the G. O. P. Contract With American is itself history."
As Catt's Claws' author said more than TWO MONTHS
ago, Clinton is a certainty for reelection because of what the Republicans
are going and what they stand for. We doubly stand behind that prediction,
the waving of Colin Powell as a potential Republican candidate not withstanding.
Any man who believes in what Powell says he does and would consider running
under the banner of Newt Gingrich, Phil Gram, Pat Robertson, Ralph Reed,
Dick Armey, and Strom Thurmond would be too much of a hypocrite for my
FLASH - Colin Powell, as we expected, announced today
that he will not run for any political office in 1996.
BTW, most of the press is, of course, ignoring the
women's issues inherent in all the Republican cuts; older women are more
likely to be poor and need Medicare while the mothers of small children
are most likely to be poor and desperately need Medicaid. Thank G,AWD Clinton
is NOT forgetting.

What many had called the
Republican take-over of the New Jersey NOW is over. A new president, not
so enamored with Governor Christine Whitman has just been elected and the
deep rife between the NJ NOW and several of its chapters is being mended.

The Women's Bean Project
is a non-profit organization which employs homeless women and women who
live in poverty. The women learn skills and receive training which assists
them to become self-sufficient, according to the project. For a free catalogue
with hand-made soup mixes, pasta, salsa, gourmet vinegar and more, write
the Women's Bean Project, 2347 Curtis, Denver, Colorado, 80205.
This is the type of thing that women's organization
MUST start doing - raising money to help themselves, not just mailing out
letters asking for donations and donations and more donations. The leaders
of our organizations have to be more than just takers - they have to start
leading. They have to come up with new ideas; they should start inspiring.

Is your community being twisted
by a so-called renegade Roman Catholic Bishopry who are setting up "monuments
to the unborn" which is against the millennia teachings and rulings
of the Roman Catholic church.
There appears to be some revisionism going on regarding
the lack of historical consideration of what the modern-day Roman Catholic
Church insists on calling "unborn children."
According to a comment in Ms. Magazine, the "Catholics
for a Free Choice and two priests, including Father John Clemont of the
Chancery Office/Archdiocese of New York - says there are no OFFICIAL rites
or rituals for baptizing or burying miscarried fetuses. They are not aware
of any official practice EVER being established for miscarriages. Daniel
Maguire, professor of moral theology at Marquett University, confirms that
"fringe" elements of the Catholic Clergy do promulgate bogus
ceremonies for the baptism of miscarried fetuses."
The comment was made in reply to a woman who had suffered
years of "anxiety and guilt" regarding her miscarriages. She
wrote, "The writing of these men are the writings of woman-haters.
The rules and rituals are steeped with female loathing."
Here in my adopted home of Hot Springs, Arkansas,
the Bishop of Little Rock (why didn't he do it in Little Rock????) arrived
on All Soul's Day to join with members of the Knights of Columbus and local
priests to dedicate a monument to the "unborn," at a local cemetery.
On the monument is inscribed the words of Mother Teresa of Calcutta: "Abortion
is a crime that kills not only the child but the conscience of all involved."
(Obviously she want all the world to be like Calcutta since she opposes
birth control as well.)
But what is REALLY insulting and DISGUSTING to me
is that these MEN (and they were almost all men) made it an anti-abortion
monument while totally ignoring anything about the so-called "unborn"
who are lost through natural miscarriages. Look, if a soul comes with the
conception than millions of "unborns" die each month through
natural selection. I had a natural miscarriage but according to these church
FATHERS, that embryo is not worthy of a monument in their cemetery ...
only those who were aborted. Isn't a soul a soul?
Boys, I, for one, am offended.
You turned around collars (this includes the Religious
supremacists of all religions) are so busy being butt-ins that you never
learned the realities of life. You see things through the pin-holes in
your heads. Why the hell don't you ask women about conception, miscarriages
(natural abortions), and pregnancy.
You might ask medical science about it also - that
milions upon millions of fertilized embryos naturally abort every single
month. Either a fertilized egg has a soul or it doesn't - you can't have
it both ways.

"I found god in myself
and I loved her, I loved her fiercely."
-- Ntozake Shange

I could not believe the
catalog of cards and note stationary being offered by the Sisters of St.
Joseph of La Grange, 1515 West Odgen Avenue, La Grange Park IL 60526-1721
- telephone 708-354-9200, fax 708-354-9573.
Honey, these ain't what you have been taught to believe
coming from religious women's orders: stern, staid, and unimaginative waiting
for direction from the guys in the tight collars.
These cards and posters are beautiful, modern and
spiritual - almost new age. Maybe more than just a touch. And they are
FEMINIST! For example, one note card reads: "The Song of peace is
woman's song. She sings the song of life's seasons - rhythms of birth and
death, receiving and giving, times of waiting and fulfillment, suffering
and joy. She sings a gentle song of listening and hope, of wholeness and
unity, of harmony with Earth and reference of Earth's gifts. Her song is
compassion; her song is love. If nations would be healed, woman's song
must be sung. If there would be peace, woman's song must be heard."
The artist is Mary Southard, CSJ. Another example, one Christmas card reads:
"Mother of the Universe, Mother of the Stars and Sun, make space in
us for wisdom."
There is hope in the Catholic church and that hope
is woman.
Those old men whose minds are rooted in the Stone
Age can't live forever. Yes, I was once-upon-a-time a Roman Catholic.

Although we are once-burned
and twice wary of Senator Arlene Specter who was one of the U.S. Senators
who attempted to discredit Anita Hills' charges of sexual harassment by
confirming Clarence Thomas as U.S. Supreme Court Judge, but we now have
to give him some benefits of the doubt.
Perhaps he has finally got it.
His staff has put together a excellent essay entitled
"Dismantling a Woman's Right to Choose... From A to Z" which
he has been distributing to pro-choice publications for their use.
Specter is one of the few Republican U.S. Senators
who OPENLY CAMPAIGN for a woman's right to choose...
Anyone wanting a copy of this essay, please email
Catt's Claws. It is too long to use in the column, but here's a couple
of examples: A is for "Amend the Constitution to abolish a woman's
right to choose; K is for "Kill nominations of pro-choice government
officials; W is for "Whitewash the true political agenda - eliminate
access to abortion for all American women."
Specter, a pro-choice Jew, stands no chance of winning
the Republican nomination.

William Hodgman earns a
$120,000 annual salary and Marcia Clark $96,828, the same as Christopher
Darden. Clark received no extra money for being the head prosecutor. On
the other side, several of OJ's attorneys received in excess of $1 million

In words directed to the
state of Israel, President of the United State Bill Clinton said, "Just
as America has stood by you, we all stand by you in this moment of grieving
and loss....
"The world has lost one of its greatest men
- a warrior for his nation's freedom, and now a martyr for his nation's
peace... I admired him and I loved him very much. Because words cannot
express my true feelings, let me just say, shalom, haver - goodbye, friend."
Sadat and now Rabin... the forces of evil and hate
in this word never rest. Both Sadat and Rabin were war heroes who believed
that peace was our only option.
How sad that right-wing religion supremacist who
supposedly believe in god don't trust god to solve our problems but go
out and murder those who think a different way. Shalom.

Excuse me for cross-posting
from Women of Achievement:
"Event Nov. 9, 1938: Crystal Night in Germany
when Hitler's men raided Jewish homes and synagogues. The name is derived
from the broken glass that covered the streets. Lest we forget...More than
four million women and children were killed by Hitler. He abolished abortion
and birth control. The Nazis held contests and awarded medals for women
bearing the most children. There were no women among the leaders of the
Nazi party. In addition to sharing *all* the horrors that the Jewish men
suffered at the hands of the Nazis, the women were also raped and sexually

A 1993 survey - the first
in China on AIDS and prostitutes - found that few of the women sold sex
full time. They resorted to the trade to augment meager incomes or, for
the nearly one-fifth unemployed, to make a little money to survive.
Few require their clients to use condoms seeing AIDS
as a foreigner's disease. Health experts say they are playing a crucial
role in carrying AIDS between city and village in soaring numbers because
so many are from the provinces and the go home to the villages as soon
as they make some money.

We don't know when the whipping
will occur, but Sarah Balabagan, the Fillipino girl nearly executed last
month in the United Arab Emerates, for the murder of a man who attempted
to rape her has received a one year in jail and 100 lashes instead. The
Emerates officials are trying to say the whipping is "usually done
in a very light way." Another report said that the whipper has to
hold a book in his arm pit, as if that means anything.
Any golfer, baseball player, and mother knows it's
all in the wrists - the snap - less than 25 lashes can cut the skin and
flesh off that child's back.
And we fought to preserve THEIR way of life in the
Gulf War

With apologies to Denis
"OJ vowed to spend the rest of his life searching
for the killer of his ex wife Nicole - he must think it's a caddie."

Women's rights are young and tender
and we must protect them from the plagues of holy hypocrisy and newts.