January 06, 1995
We are being subjected to
the big lie(S) in the media coverage of the slim victory of the white males
against the rest of the country in the recent elections that the media
is trying to say puts the Republicans in control of the country.
The further claim is that the Republicans have a plan
and the Democrats don't. Ssshhheez! Talk about a BIG lie being told so
often everyone is beginning to believe it !
How about some truths? Send your comments along with
facts to your newspapers in "Letters to the Editors," and bombard
your congressional representatives:
1. The so-called overwhelming victory was in the form
of slim margins, in some cases only a few hundred votes out of hundreds
of thousands. A hundred thousand votes would have changed the results completely.
The result is NOT an overwhelming mandate, but a narrow majority. In the
U.S. House the Republicans have only a 12 vote margin - and no one, not
even draft dodger, pot smoking, deadbeat dad, adulterer and wife deserter
Newt Gingrich, the leader of the family values pack, can claim all Republicans
have the same morality he has; in the U.S. Senate the margin is only 6
votes. That's 12 votes in the House and 6 in the Senate with some signs
that moderate Republicans may break with the ultra-conservatives early
And, oh yes, - the president has veto powers even
though the media has ignored the possibility in its love affair with white
male dominance.
2. In the Gingrich/ Republican Contract with America
drive to declare all illegitimate births the fault of the mother they are
ignoring studies that show most illegitimate births to young girls are
the result of rape, mostly statutory rape by older fathers, brothers or
The president proposes education to combat the rising
numbers of births to unwed mothers and require the mother to stay at home
and in school. States would be allowed to reduce payments if the mother
has more children while on welfare.
Under the Republican Contract with America, instead
of education or training, states are to put the children born to a woman
without a legal husband (but who needs not support his children) into state-run
orphanages or other places. The requirement of staying at home and in school
is directly copies from the president's plan.
3. PATERNITY - The president requests the mother
give the name of the father immediately while the GOP requires it
and while the president has a full plan for child support, the GOP under
deadbeat dad Gingrich is absolutely silent and will not require men to
support their children. The GOP's requirement ignores the violence
so many women face and certain further violence if they name their attackers
or incestuous rapers.
Under Clinton's plan all absent parents - male or
female - are required to pay child support. The legal process would be
reformed making it easier to establish paternity. Support payments would
rise as the non-custodial parent's income rises. The process would be computerized
and follow the deadbeat parents (80% men) across state lines.
If support is not paid, states could revoke drivers,
occupational, and professional licenses, and deduct payments from paychecks.
States could also require deadbeat parents to take jobs to pay for their
children. Further, the GOP plan calls for state control of children in
their family values program while Clinton seeks to keep children with their
4. CHILD CARE: President Clinton would spend $2.7
billion on child care for those who are in training and being educated
for jobs - and also get them community service jobs where possible. Another
$1.5 billion would go for child care for the working poor. The Republicans
offer no plan for child care...so what are poor women to do whose husbands/lovers
have deserted their children???

To write the draft-dodging, pot-smoking, deadbeat
dad, ill wife-deserter, and claimer of a trophy wife (Yes, Molly Ivins,
it does get easier every time you use his social description):
Hon. Newton Gingrich
6th Congressional District, Georgia, Rm. 2428
Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

His EMAIL ADDRESS (Yes, you taxpayers from have
been paying his email bill for several years as part of a "study"
funded by the full house.) GEORGIA6@HR.HOUSE.GOV.