The Liz Library presents Irene Stuber's Women of Achievement

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June 6


Compiled and Written by Irene Stuber.

Give Women Faith in Themselves


QUOTE by Dale Spender.

Anthony Pleads for Women to have Faith in Themselves

anthony.gif"So while I do not pray for anybody or any party to commit outrages, still I do pray, and that earnestly and constantly, for some terrific shock to startle the women of this nation into a SELF-RESPECT which will COMPEL them to see the abject degradation of their present position; which will force them to break their yoke of bondage, and give them FAITH IN THEMSELVES; which will make them proclaim their allegiance to WOMEN FIRST; which will enable them to see that man can no more feel, speak or act for women than could the old slaveholder for his slave. "The fact is, women are in chains, and their servitude is all the more debasing because they do not realize it.
      "O, to compel them to see and feel and to give them courage and conscience to speak and act for their own freedom, though they face the scorn and contempt of all the world for doing it! "
            -- Susan B. Anthony from an 1870 speech. (This quote suggested by Wendy Brewer, one of the earlier fans of WOAH on Internet who said: "This quote makes you wanna stand up & clap, doesn't it ? Does me....")

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B. 06-06-1826, Sarah Parker Remond - U.S. abolitionist and physician.

B. 06-06-1834, Annie Adams Fields - U.S. author and social welfare worker.

B. 06-06-1842, Elida Barker Rumsey Fowle - co-founder of the library movement for Union Army soldiers fighting in the Civil War.

B. 06-06-1877, Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller - Afro- American sculptor. After success in Paris, she faced race and sex prejudice on her return to the U.S.
      In 1913 she began using Afro-Americans as models and for the next 50 years she produced major pieces that are part of the permanent collections at a number of museums and universities.

B. 06-06-1882, Ann Haven Morgan - U.S. zoologist, ecologist. She chaired Mount Holyoke department of Zoology 1916-1947 and wrote several field books that became standard, authoritative texts.

balch.JPGEvent 06-06-1889: Bryn Mawr College awarded the first graduate fellowship to a woman in the history of the United States. It went to Emily Greene Balch (B. 01-08- 1867) for "prosecuting sociological studies." Balch went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946. Half the human race is a terrible thing to waste... Bryn Mawr was under the direction of M. Carey Thomas who developed the college to an academic par with Harvard University.

B. 06-06-1898, Ninette DeValois - Irish ballerina, choreographer and director, who with Lilian Baylis organized a ballet school and dance group that "is recognized as the first nationally sponsored, officially recognized, financially secure, ideally constituted dance organization in the English-speaking world," according to the New York Times.
      The ballet company they organized? The Sadler Wells Ballet of England that is now the Royal Ballet.

B. 06-06-1901, Jan Struther - British novelist. Mrs. Miniver, a novel about English life on the home front during World War II was her most noted novel. It was made into an award-winning movie.

B. 06-06-1912, Helen Marini - U.S. naturalist who started caring for injured and discarded animals in her apartment. She moved on to raise and care for wild animals at Bronx Zoo.

B. 06-06-1925, Maxine Winokur Kumin - U.S. writer of short stories, and a teacher and poet. MWK authored more than 20 books for children including four with poet Anne Sexton. Her Up Country: Poems of New England won the 1973 Pulitzer Prize.

B. 06-06-1929, Adrienne Cecile Rich, U.S. poet and feminist whose poetry has evolved with her spiritual and political growth.
      Her poetry often examines issues of oppression and feminism.

B. 06-06-1939, Marian Wright Edelman - founder and president of the children's Defense Fund (1973), one of the most effective voices for children and their rights in the U.S.

Event 06-06-1942: Parachutes were tested with dead weights until Adeline Gray who became the first human to jump with a nylon parachute. She was employed as a parachute rigger with the Pioneer Parachute Company in Connecticut. (Why a woman?)

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      "Imagine that we conjure up a world that is safe for mothers and daughters. A great celebration takes place at the birth of a DAUGHTER. The mother is honored; the girl child is honored... Just imagine! What different meanings life could have."
            -- Dale Spender, Women of Ideas and what men have done to them. London: Pandora. 1982. (Ed. Note: The first time we ran the above quote in WOAH on Internet we received a note from a reader stating that the first time her father had given her mother flowers at the birth of a child was at the birth of the youngest of their seven children - a boy. )

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© 1990-2006 Irene Stuber, Hot Springs National Park, AR 71902. Originally web-published at We are indebted to Irene Stuber for compiling this collection and for granting us permission to make it available again. The text of the documents may be freely copied for nonprofit educational use. Except as otherwise noted, all contents in this collection are © 1998-2009 the liz library.  All rights reserved. This site is hosted and maintained by the liz library.