Are You Kidding Historical Misfact
Phoebe Fairgrave Omlie hung by her teeth
First Black Woman Member of the UK House of Commons
Judging Amy Almost Got Gaveled Out Before Hearing
Elizabeth Janeway, Margo Jones, Jane Welsh Carlye,Michel Montaigne, and
Dale Spender.
Are You Kidding Historical Misfact
On 04-17-1972 Nina Kuscik became the first woman to *officially* run
the Boston Marathon according to the Boston Marathon committee.
Well - not quite. Let's do a bit of HERstory.
In 1966, Roberta Bengay hid in the bushes and then
joined the runners just after take-off to get into the race. (Several women
have since claimed Bengay was an alias and are claiming to be her, but
WOAH has no knowledge of any of them. We know of no photograph of her IN
THE RACE ITSELF and none of the claimants has offered proof.)
Bengay ran the Boston Marathon in 3:12.2 and beat
two-thirds of the men. Race officials, however, denied a woman had run
the race.
"I know of no girl who
ran in the Boston Marathon. I do know of a girl who is supposed to have
run on the same roads as the marathon route today. But that's not the same."
In 1967 Katherine Switzer was refused permission to
enter the Boston Marathon, but got a number as K. Switzer.
While racing she was recognized as a woman and officials
chased her trying to pull off her number. (There's a famous photo of the
attempts which were foiled by male runners around her, as well as her speed.)
She finished the race.
Being a member of the Syracuse University track team,
she was promptly suspended from the Amateur Athletic Union for "running
without a chaperon!"
For those who are shaking their heads, YES
only 35 years ago - and only 29 years since "we were legal."
... As we often write, "Women's rights are VERY young and tender."
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Stunt Walkers - Often Women - Were the Big Draws at
Event 04-17-1921: One of the great draws of the early air shows were
the stunt walkers, those who performed risky manuevers OUTSIDE THE AIRPLANES
such as walking on the wings. Many of them were women because it aroused
men and newspaper men more to see women doing such things.
One such woman was Phoebe Fairgrave who had dreamed
of flying in high school.
No man pilot would take her on as a student.
She couldn't be serious! Flying was men's work!
"It was not long until
I began to realize that one way in which I certainly could get up in the
air would be to buy an airplane. I had a hunch that the prospect of a sale
would make the boys waver in their determination not to have anything to
do with satisfying my ambition to go aloft," PF wrote later
and used a small inheritance
Lessons and the plane proved to be too expensive for
just a hobby so she combined her love of flying by becoming an air show
She wing walked and made parachute jumps.
For those readers who are too young to remember, planes at the time
flew only 50-75, later at 100 mph. They also flew very quiet compared to
modern engines and flew quite close to the ground (which made the outside
of the plane acrobatis easy to see at the air shows).
On 04-17-1921 Phoebe took her first parachute jump winding up in a tree,
dangling unhurt.
Within a few month she set a new world's record for
women jumpers by parachuting from a plane at 15,200 feet.
Then she developed the trick of cutting off her first
parachute, then free falling before deploying her second chute - a real
crowd pleasers that made her one of the most popular attractions in the
Popular, smart, and ambitious, Phoebe formed her own organization, The
Phoebe Fairgrave Flying Circus.
She soon married Vernon Omlie, the pilot who had taught
her to fly. Together they continued to barnstorm until they'd raised enough
money to form their own flying school and broadened into the aviation business,
Mid-South Airways in Memphis, Tennessee.
(Based on information in United States Women in
Aviation 1919-1929.)
NOTE: The Phoebe Fairgrave Omlie scholarship was established
by the Federal Aviation Administration Mid-South Chapter Federal Women''s
Program (MSCFWP) and the Women in Aviation, International Memphis Belles
This scholarship is awarded annually to a student
or students demonstrating academic potential and ability to overcome obstacles.
The goals of the Memphis Belles and MSCFWP are to increase the awareness
of job opportunities, training, upward mobility, and avenues of self-development
for women in aviation careers and in government service.
For details see: http://www.aella.com/WIAI/fwpapp.html
See: Omlie, Phoebe Fairgrave
(1902-1975) Aviator Leonhirth, Janene. "Omlie, Phoebe Fairgrave."
In The Tennessee Encyclopedia of History & Culture), edited
by Carroll Van West. Nashville: Tennessee Historical Society, 1998.
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First Black Woman Member of the UK House of Commons
Diane (Julie) Abbott (b. 1953) was the first black woman member of the
House of Commons, U.K.
She was born in London, England, UK. She studied at
Cambridge, and was an administration trainee in the civil service before
working for the National Council for Civil Liberties, the Greater London
Council, and Lambeth Borough Council. She joined the Labour Party in 1981,
and served on the Westminster City Council 1982--6. Elected to Parliament
as MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington in 1987.
Little Known Factoid:
Joan Alison who died at ago 90 in 1993 co-wrote the play
Everybody Comes to Rick's that was the outline of one of the most
popular storylines in modern entertainment.
It became the 1942 movie Casablanca.
Here's looking at you, kid.
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Judging Amy Almost Got Gaveled Out Before Hearing
CBS' Judging Amy the highest rated new drama of the 1999 fall
season almost didn't make it.
The show was the last one ordered for pilot season
and the last one to be put on a network schedule. Even then, only a small
presentation reel was ordered, rather than a full episode.
"What it meant was that
the network ran out of money for pilots but still wanred e to see something,
so we'll pay for 20 minutes," explained executive producer
Barbara Hall.
The series, based on star Amy Brenneman's mother's
years as a judge in family court, was developed jointly by Amy and executive
producer Connie Tavel.
It appears "everyone wanted
Tyne Daly desperately." An excellent choice because she has
shown great maturity that showcases her fantastic acting ability and received
Emmy recognition.
For her part, Daly said that she was drawn to the
project for two reasons.
"We've seen a lot of cops
and lawyers, but we never go in the back rooms where these decisions are
made," said the actress, who is also pleased that the character
of Maxine was allowed to have flaws -- like her own smoking habit.
Animal lovers will be pleased to hear that the family
dog Socrates (who died in one episode) was still alive and well at this
writing. The closing moments of that episode when Tyne Daly breaks down
is one of the great scenes of TV.
Note: Actor Amy Brenneman, with her mother, the
Hon. Frederica S. Brenneman, received a gavel with the state crest for
use on the popular television show Judging Amy, at the Supreme Courthouse
in Hartford, Conn., Friday, May 19, 2000.
The Connecticut Supreme Court honored Judge Frederica
S. Brenneman in a brief ceremony for her work in the juvenile court system
and her daughter for her TV role based on her mother's life, which brought
increased awareness of this tough job through her program Judging Amy.
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B. 04-17-1693, Mary Spratt Provoost Alexander - Dutch colonial
(born New York City) merchant. Although much of MSPA's life is not fully
documented, this remarkable woman had 10 children, two husbands, and built
a trading empire of stores in New York city for which "she
imported goods so extensively that it was said hardly a ship arrived in
New York without a consignment for her."
In addition, MSA was active in politics, she
aided and was in partnership with her various children in business. Her
second husband was a prominent attorney and it is said she financed him
and provided him with valuable contacts.
The Dutch women colonists had a tradition of merchandising
and trade. At least one actually traveled with her goods between European
ports and New York city.
The couple built a magnificent mansion and lived well.
Their wealth, in today's dollars, would have made them milliionaires.
Many of her children lived extraordinary lives in
commerce and trade as well as becoming involved in civic matters.
According to Nichola Varga who studied MSA's life,
the "most extensive account of Mary Alexander
s life is in Mrs. John King Van Rensselaer, The Goede Vrouw of Mana-ha-ta
(1898), a book professedly baed on family traditions and records."
B. 04-17-1813, Susan Augusta Fenimore Cooper - U.S. author and philanthropist,
SAFC is best remembered for her novels and essays
on nature and the rural life.
Her father James Fenimore Cooper encouraged her to
write but other than a few works - and those about her father - she was
never very successful
On her inherited wealth, she founded Thanksgiving
Hospital in Cooperstown in 1865 and in 1873 the Orphan House of the Holy
Savior, which she personally superintended. It eventually held almost a
hundred children.
DIED 04-17-1826, Elizabeth Morris - English-born, U.S. actor.
She and her husband were arrested in Boston in 1792 for conducting an illegal
performance; it was the first play ever performed in that city. She became
the leading actor of her day but in middle-age became a noted recluse.
B. 04-17-1845, Katharine Isabel Hayes Chapin Barrows - U.S. ophthalmologist.
B. 04-17-1845, Isabel Barrows - U.S. editor and pioneer penologist.
B. 04-17-1851, Anna Spener - U.S. Unitarian minister, confounder
of New York School of Social Work. She was a reformer active in the women's
suffrage and peace movements.
B. 04-17-1867, Beverly Sitgreaves - U.S. to France expatriot.
BS was the first American actor to play the lead in the Theatre Anglais
in Paris. Her acting career spanned 50 years.
B. 04-17-1885, Isak Dinesen (Baroness Karen Blixen) - Danish writer.
She is best known to the modern generation for Out
of Africa (book 1937; Hollywood film 1985) which recounted her experiences
from an upperclass life in Denmark to her marriage of convenience to Baron
Bror von Blixen-Finecke and then, primarily her life in Kenya. which includes
her love affair with Denys Finch Hatton of British royal line.
In Kenya, she and Hatton were treated as a couple.
After Hatton's death, the bankruptcy of her Kenyan faem, she returned to
Denmark and took up writing. She also continued her lifelong battle with
syphilis with which she was infected by her philandering husband before
her affair with Denys.
She wrote in English and published parallel Danish
versions. She was a well-known radio broadcaster in Denmark and an anti-Nazi.
Through her writing - and even in the way she lived
back in Denmark - she created an aura around her that has defied any definition.
Some say she re- created her life as a novel so that reality and fact appear
surreal and impossible to separate.
Her face in old age became skeletal-like, some say
because of the recurring syphillis, a fact that added to her mystique.
Her Seven Gothic Tales (1937) and Winter's
Tales (1942) are marvelous short story collections. Ernest Hemingway
used her husband, Bror Blixen, the notorious "user of native women"
as the model for the "big white hunter" character of his African
The Danish government restored Isak Dinesen's home
in Kenya used in the film Out of Africa, and it is now a museum.
B. 04-17-1888, Louise Nevelson, Russian-born,
U.S. sculptor.
Photos of six of her sculptures were featured on five
U.S. postage stamps as part of the official U.S. Postal Service 2000 commemorative
stamp(s) issue. The release read:
Release #00-020 March 6, 2000
"WASHINGTON - Expansive, three-dimensional walls
of wooden boxes painted black, white, or gold are among the unique trademarks
of environmental sculptor and artist Louise Nevelson.
"On April 6, 2000 the U.S. Postal Service will
commemorate the works of Nevelson, one of the most gifted sculptors of
the 20th century, with the issuance of a pane of 20 (five designs), postage
" 'As one of the
foremost sculptors of the 20th century, Louise Nevelson has left an indelible
impression on this country; she was ahead of her time and unique in her
choice of subject matter and the medium she worked with,' said
Anita Bizzotto, Postal Service Vice President, Pricing and Product Design,
who will dedicate the new stamps...
"She was a pioneer in the art world, and worked
for almost 30 years before making her first sale. It is not only her artistic
creations, but her spirit of perseverance and determination that we honor
with the issuance of these postage stamps...
"Each of the five
33-cent stamp designs depicts a detail of a larger Nevelson sculpture.
The sculptures featured on the stamps are (from left to right on the stamp
pane): 'Silent Music,' 'Royal Tide,' 'Black Chord,' 'Nightsphere-Light,'
and 'Dawn's Wedding Chapel.'
"The selvage photo of Nevelson,
shown standing in front of "Dawn's Wedding Feast" was taken by
Arnold Newman in 1980. At the lower edge of the image is a quotation from
Nevelson: 'My work is delicate; it may look
strong, but it is delicate. True strength is delicate. My whole life is
in it.'
"While Nevelson
worked in other media, the sculptures represented on these stamps are all
made of wood. 
"Nevelson, born in Russia in 1899, introduced
a new form of sculpture that consisted of carved, recycled, and painted
wood objects arranged in boxes that were stacked to create entire sculptural
walls. During her career spanning more than 50 years, she produced an impressive
and influential body of work.
"Her family came to the U.S. in 1905 and settled
in Maine. After her marriage to Charles Nevelson in 1920, she moved to
New York City where she studied the arts and where she lived and worked
for most of the rest of her life.
"Nevelson's first solo exhibition was in 1941
at the Nierendorf Gallery in New York City. The first major retrospective
of her work was presented at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New
York City in 1967. During the 1970s and 80s Nevelson expanded the media
used in her sculptures to include objects made of synthetic materials.
"Among her most important commissioned sculptures
are 'Atmosphere and Environment' for Princeton University, New Jersey;
'Bicentennial Dawn,' for the James A. Byrne Federal Courthouse, Philadelphia
and 'Transparent Horizon,' for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
"The Whitney Museum of American Art in New York
City has the largest collection of Nevelson works in the world. Nevelson
continued working until her death in 1988.
details of the stamp Issue:
"Louise Nevelson - Item Number: 443800 - Denomination
& Type of Issue: 33-cent Commemorative Format: Water-activated pane
of 20 with selvage (5 designs) - Issue Date & City: April 6, 2000,
New York, NY 10199. Photographers: Stamps: Courtesy The Pace Gallery, Jerry
L. Thompson, and the Whitney Gallery of Art Selvage : Arnold Newman, New
York, NY Designer: Ethel Kessler, Bethesda, MD, Art Director: Ethel Kessler,
Bethesda, MD, Typographer: Ethel Kessler, Bethesda, MD."
B. 04-17-1888, Dame Maggie Teyte - English lyric soprano was
considered one of the 20th century's foremost interpreters of French song.
She performed opera, in concert, and mad numerable recordings. She was
the recipient of Chevalier of Legion of Honor (1957). Her mother was also
a singer.
04-17-1913, Dorothy Fosdick - U.S. government official. DF was the
first woman to hold a high-level policy position with the U.S. state department,
but the male historical recorderds insists on billing her as "mistress
of Adlai Stevenson when he was running for President of the United States."
She was his chief advisor on foreign affairs
and even after Stevenson, DF was a primary director of the democratic party's
foreign policy aims. She was a trustee of Smith College.
The release of her affair with Stevenson during his
campaign for president was aimed at diffusing rumors that he was homosexual.
B. 04-17-1915, Rebekah West Harkness - U.S. patron of dance and
a composer. RWH studied under the renowned Nadia Boulanger and at the Mames
College of Music and wrote hundreds of popular songs. She inherited a Standard
Oil fortune from her husband.
RWH was president and director of William Hale Harkness
Foundation, sponsored construction of medical research buildings at New
York Hospital, supported Dr. Irving S. Cooper's research through her Rebekah
Harkness Foundation, sponsored Robert Joffey Ballet and Jerome Robbins;
Ballets USA, as well as modern and ethnic dance companies and the Central
Park Dance Festival.
She was founder (1964) and president and artistic
director (1970-75) of Harkness Ballet that was formed when she broke away
from the Joffrey Ballet over artistic differences.

B. 04-17-1916, Sirimavo Ratwatte Dias Bandaranaike - world's first
prime minister, elected prime minister of Ceylon in 1960 by her Sri
Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP).
She would serve 1960-65, 1970-77, and 1994-
Her daughter continues...
She suceeded her assassinated husband as premier and
although many doubted her ability to rule, she did not, saying, "People
forget I had twenty years of political education from my husband. I am
not as inexperienced as they make me out."
In her first term, BS actively encouraged the
Buddhist religion and made Sinhalese the sole official language (and culture)
over Christianity and English. These actions, together with her government's
nationalizing of various economic enterprises, spurred several western
governments led by Britiain (Ceylon had been under English control until
1948) to wreck the nation's economic situation into chaos. Of course that
she nationalized Euro-American owned oil companies didn't help her with
the U.S.
She forbade foreign money in an attempt to lift the
influences from Sri Lanka but it backlashed and the lack of foreign trade
threw as much as 25% of the population out of work.
Her party was soundly defeated but in 1970 her socialist
coalition took over again and instead of backing down, she increased her
liberal and nationalistic society. She pushed for a new constition that
renamed the nation Sri Lanka as a republic. (It is modeled after the French
parliamentary system with the president being the elected supreme officer
who appoints the prime minister unlike the better known British system.
Prior to the change, Ceylon operated under the British system with parties
winning elections and the party electing the prime minister who serves
as the nation's supreme officer.)
She nationalized more industry and pushed for huge
land reforms - absolutely destroying the old English-type colonization.
The expected actions from the west again kept the
economy from expanding and the extreme nationalization alienated from ethnic
minorities. Strikes were called as pressure mounted for separatism from
Tamils, the largest minority group in Ceylon. There was also an armed insurrection
by Marxist factions. Both the extreme right and the extreme left warred
to take over the nation. In bad faith, she nationalized the newspapers
that criticized her.
Her party was voted out in 1977.
Three years later her political rights were removed
and she was barred from ever holding political office again in an attempt
by the right wing to gag her as the leader of liberalism, no matter how
badly she acted at times. She enacted many radical measures, which included
nationalising denominational schools and life insurance.
and her daughter.
However, her popularity could not be destroyed
nor her push for socialization and she was pardoned to regain a seat in
parliament in 1989 and she again became a major voice.
In the meantime her son, more right-wing, had attempted
to take over the party but his SISTER, Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga
(b. 1945) who was liberal was supported by their mother. The son defected
after the choice of his sister and he moved to the right wing party. Chandrika,
after her film-actor husband's assassination in 1988, joined her mother
in politics and quickly moved into the leadership position. When the SLFP
coalition won the elections of 1994, Chandrika became prime minister. A
few months later she was elected president and appointed her mother Sirimova
as prime minister - probably the first mother- daughter leadership duo
in the history of governments in the world.
in old age;
last vote.
On the world stage she played a key role in defusing
tension between India and China after their brief border war in 1962. However,
her other international actions are not well known in the western world
because she emphasized good relations with her Asian neighbors rather than
the west.
At her first speech she addressed the women of Sri
Lanka, saying, "My victory is really their victory."
She died 10-10-2000, age 84. She was on her
way home after having cast her vote for her daughter in the national elections.
She stepped down as prime minister 08-10-2000 and
was suceeded by Ratnasiri Wickremanayke who was, of course, appointed by
her daughter, the Sri Lanka president.
Event 04-17-1919: the right to vote for women of the Canadian Province
of New Brunswick was validated but their right to stand for political office
was not enacted until 03-09-1934. The general enfranchisement of women
in Canada occurred 05-24-1918.
B. 04-17-1928, Cynthia Ozick - U.S. novelist, short-story writer,
and intellectual. writer of complex fiction combining Jewish mysticism,
supernatural in modern, mostly New York City life.
Critics say her works seek to define the challenge
of remaining Jewish in contemporary American life. By delving into the
oldest religious sources of Judaism, Ozick explored much new territory.
B. 04-17-1941, Judith Blegen - U.S. soprano with the Metropolitan
Opera. Her mother was a violin teacher.
B. 04-17-1967, Liz Phair - U.S. rock vocalist and composer.
B. 04-17-1974, Ekaterina Kovalevskaya - Russian international chess
04-17-1982, Karen Scavotto - U.S. archer. KS joined the U.S. Olympic
team just a few weeks before the international pre-Olympic test. Expected
to win only two matches, the 17-year-old instead outshot everyone else
in the world to win her first international competition. At the time, the
5'6" archer weighed 126 pounds.
Event 04-17-1991: Every rule was broken when a woman accused
William Kennedy Smith.
The New York Times printed her name and TV
cameras showed her face - and the defense attorneys were allowed to question
her on her sexual history. A lot of apologies were handed out AFTER the
rules were broken, but that didn't help the woman. Smith was was acquitted
without problems although there appeared to be other women who were willing
to testify that he had raped them, but were not called.
The newspapers made much of the fact that Smith was
the nephew of the Senator Edward Kennedy and always referred to him as
"Kennedy" rather than Smith.
Times columnist Anna Quindlen, whose April 21 column
recalls the discretion shown by the paper in the case of the 1988 Central
Park jogger story and concludes that any woman who
accuses a "well-connected man" of rape "had better be prepared
to see not only her name but her drinking habits in print..."
The New York Times_published an apology
April 26 after receiving a lot of criticism for naming the woman.
Smith was indicted May 11 and he was acquitted after
a sensational trial in which questions in open court were raised about
his accuser's sexual history and mental state. The Times ran a story
sympathetic to his accuser May 12.
Jackie Mitchell signed to play professional baseball for
Chattanooga and in April 1931, she struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig,
back to back. It was said she could throw a baseball 100 mph.
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"American women
are not the only peoplem in the world who manage to lose tracck of themselves,
but we do seem to mislay the past in a singularly absent-minded fashion."
Elizabeth Janeway, "Reflections on the History of Women," Women:
Their Changing Roles 1973.
"We have seen
too much defeatism, too much pessimism, too much of a negative approach.
The answer is simple: if you want something very badly, you can achieve
it. It may take patience, very hard work, a real struggle, and a long time,
but it can be don't. That much faith is the prerequisite of any undertaking,
artistic or otherwise."
-- Margo Jones "Theatre '50: A Dream Come True," Ten Talents
in the American Theatre, David H. Stevens, ed. 1957
"Never does
one feel oneself so utterly helplessas in trying to speak comfort for great
bereavement. I will not try it. Time is the only comforter for the loss
of a mother."
-- Jane Welsh Carlye (1801-66)
"Women are not
altogether in the wrong when they refuse the rules of life prescribed to
the World, for man only have established them and without their consent."
-- Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, 1580, in his Easais. A later Easais
is edited by French professional writer Marie le Jars de Gournay who had
met him in 1588.
"It is only
by insisting on the validity of what men neither know nor understand that
women will come to gain their full rights; so it was with Wollstonecraft
- so it is today."
-- Dale Spender in Women of Ideas .
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