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Cs And thou shalt rejoice before the Lord shy r3od, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, arsd toy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levity that is within shy gates, and the stranger, and she fatherless, and she widow, that are among you, in the place which the Lord shy God hath chosen to place his name there. 14 And thou shalt rejoice in thy feast, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and shy manservant, and thy maidservant, and she Levite, the stranger, and the fatherless, and she widow, that tree within thy gates. n~ Seven days shalt thou keep a sniemn feast unto the Lord thy God in she place which thus Lord shall choose. s6 ? Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the Lord thy God in she place which he shall choose; in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feant of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles. In the general festivities women of all ranks were invited to take part, but three times a year Moses had something special to say to the men; then women were not allowed to be present. We have no instance thus far in the Jewish economy of any direct communication from God to woman. The general opinion seemed to be that man was an all-sufficient object of worship for them, an idea not confined to that period. Milton makes his Eve with sweet humility say to Adam, ?God thy law, thou mine.? This is the fundamental principle on which the canon and civil laws are based, as well as the English classics. It is only in the galleries of art that we sce the foreshadowing of the good time coming. There the iivine artist represents the virtues, the graces, the sciences, the seasons, day with its glorious dawn, and night with its holy mysteries, all radiant and beautiful in the form of woman. The poet, the artist, the novelist of our own day, are more hopeful prophets for the mother of the race than those who have spoken in the Scriptures. E.C.S. ############## Deuterononsy xvsL Thou shall nof sacrifice unto the Lord thy or any of she host of heavS_v_vTcw0~ ~LV~V~V~V~=/8dV~awtV~h~T THE BOOK OF DEUTERONOMY. CHAPTER 1. Desdeeowonsy i. 3 And it came to pass in the fortieth year, in s-aChe, and in the south, anit Ity stir' s,c,s si,i, tint tire the eleventh month, on the first day of the month, laud of tIre casnaanites. artid out. l..hi.aciutt. irtits that Moces spake unto the children of Isruch. thu. criart rid-ur, tIre ris-r~r Iiuhchitvr cs -according unto all that the Lord had given hun in-' - -- S IlIum huh Ihcaic,, sit thu. hitch I u,.:im. siuc gi in commandment unto them roil ~u~-cu'-as thus- haiti1 ss-huiihr rIce jrl snr r' cmii iii 6 The Lord our God spake onto us in Horehc, ymcur fatthrers, .Xhurarhcartic, Stan auir- I In ,fii,u j.tce saying, Ye have dwelt long enough in this micuctit : unto theni inch iii thu-ic ~ucm I ar:rr ihmcur - 7 Turn you, and take your journey, and go ticso ?llcc' l,urrl 5'uccir I html math nut1 im1ihiri I viii. are-!, the mount of the Amorites, and unto nIl the ~b/uri-u-~ beh~hul. ye arc' sIns cIty is tIme sc.rr, it fm-tic-ri time nigh thereunto, in the plaits, in the hills, and in the multitude. ################### THE BOOK OF DEUTERONOMY. CIIAPT1:R I. Desrteeotweey i. 3 And it came to pass in the fortieth year, in varle, and in the' south. anit Iny stir' sr,.s si,i.. tin sIre the eleventh month, on the fir-ct day of the month, launch of tIc' canannir',, rind ant, lr.hi.rui~.tt. crn,s that Moves spake onto the children of Isrnul. thu.. cr-ant riser, she ris-,.e IKuu1uhu,-:ri,.s. according onto all that the Lord had giren hunt in. - S It-lu ill. I crc,. si-i thu. rim-I hi,:.,:, s-.,iu- gin in commandment unto them annul huuus-ainin-as thin! U~til sthuiLhi tIme Inch sir rr.' mmiii,, 6 The Lord our God spake unto us in Horeli, yuuur farthners, Ahinrarhuaruui, Inn:, mini-h hum cli. t in -~ince naying, Ye have dwelt long enocrgh in this mucununt : unto theni arniul nuns liii r si-n.m I at :u n-c i mccci. 7 Turn you, and take your journey, and go tiso ?liii' L,urrl y.iunr 4mn I mmli nmmunhumhuhmc.mI sum. in-!, the mount of the Amorites, and unto all the ,bhmr-c-~behuhul. ye tree this ui.ry ar-a time urn, ut hm,-.rsc?nr uir nigh thereunto, in the plain,, in the hills, and in thu multitude. THIS book contains an account of what passed in the wilderness the last month of the fortieth year, which is sll11IiIsed to be written by Ezra, as the history is contintled several days after the death of Moses. Moses' fare~vcll a(1(lress to the children of Israel is full of wisdom, with a totlch of 1latht-ts. This had been a melancholy year with the hebrews ill tIle death of Miriam, Aaron and Moses. The manner in wIliell this people were kept wandering up and down on the very' verge of the land of Canaan because they ~vere rebellious does seem like child's play. No wonder they were discouraged anIl murlfitlresl. It is difficult from the record to see that these IseolIle were any' better fitted to enter the promised land at the eVILl (If forty' years than when they first left Egypt. But the promise that tllev should be as numerous as the stars in the heavens, accortling tIl Adam Clarke, had been fulfilled. lie tells us that only three thousand stars can be seen by the naked ey'e, while the children of Israel numbered at this time six hundred thflusand fighting men, beside all the women and children. Astronomers, however, now estimate that there are over seventy-five Iflillion stars within the range of their telescopes. If census takers had prophetic telescopes, they could no doubt see the promises to the Hebrews fully realized in that one line of their ambition. . ############ Deutecromtsny ir; 34 And we took all his cities at that time, and she little ones, of every city, we left none to titterly destroyed the men, and she women, and remain. Though the women were ignored in all the civil affairs and religious observances of the Jews, yet in making war on other tribes they thought them too dangerous to be allowed to live, and so they killed all the women and children. The women might much better have helped to do the fighting, as it is far easier to die in the exciteme~ of the battlefield than to be murdered in cold blood. In making war on neighboring tribes, the Jewish military code permitted them to take all the pure, virgins and child women for booty to be given to the priests and soldiers, thus debauching the men of Israel and destroying all feelings of honor and chivalry for women. This utter contempt for all the decencies of life, and all the natural personal rights of women as set forth in these pages, should destroy in the minds of women at least, all authority to superhuman origin and stamp the Pentateuch at least as emanating from the most obscene minds of a barbarous age. Deuteronomy a, vi. .6 ? Honour thy father and thy mother, as she as Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour's Lord thy God hath commanded thee; that thywife, neither shalt thou Covet shy neighbour's days may be prolonged, and that it may go wellhouse, his field, or his manservane, or his maid- with thee, in the land which the Lord thy Godservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy giveth thee,neighbour's. 57 Thou shalt not kill. z That thou miglrtess fear the Lord thy God, to nB Neither shalt thou commit adultery.keep all his statutes and his commandments, which sg Neither shalt thou steal.I command thee, thou, and shy son, and thy son's so Neither shalt thou hear false witness againstson, all she days of thy life; and that thy days thy neighbour.may be prolonged. The best commentary on these texts is that no Revising Committee of Ecclesiastics has found it necessary to make any suggestions as to whom the commandments are addressed. Suppose we reverse the language and see how one-sided it would seem addressed only to women. Suppose this were the statement. Here is a great lawgiver and he says: ?Thou art to keep all God's commandments, thou and thy daughters and thy daughter's daughters, and these are the commandments: ?Thou shalt honor thy mother and thy father.' ?Thou shalt not steal nor lie.' ?Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's husband, nor her field, nor her ox, nor anything that is thy neighbor's.?~ Would such commandments occasion no remark among Biblical scholars? In our criminal code to-day the pronouns she, her and hers are not found, yet we are tried in the courts, imprisoned and hung as ??he,~~ rr~jflj~~ or ??his,? though denied the privileges of citizenship, because the masculine pronouns apply only to disabilities. What a hustling there would be among prisoners and gendr~rs if laws and constitutions, Scriptures and commandments,:tLyed this fast and loose game with the men of any nation. ##### Deuteronomy ion 5 Behold, I have taught you statutes and 7 For what nation is there tO great, who hoth judgments, even as she Lord my God commandedGod so nigh unto them, as she Lord our God is in me, that ye should do so in she land whither yeall things that we call upon him/er P go to possess it. 8 And what nation is there so great, that hash 6 Keep therefhre and do them: for this is yourstatutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, wisdom and your understanding in she sight of thewhich I set before you this day! stations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and under standing people. Adam Clarke in his comments on chapter iv, says, ?there was no form of worship at this time on the face of the earth that was not wicked and obscene, puerile and foolish and ridiculous, except that established by God himself among the Israelites, and every part of this taken in its connection and reference may be truly called a wise and reasonable service. Almost all the nations of the earth manifested in time their respect for the Jewish religion by copying different parts of the Mosaic code as to civil and moral customs.? As thoughtful, intelligent women, we question all this: First.?We see no evidence that a just and wise being wrote either the canon or civil laws that have been gradually compiled by ecelesiastics and lawgivers. Second.?We cannot accept any code or creed that uniformly defrauds woman of all her natural rights. For the last half century we have publicly and persistently appealed from these laws, which Clarke says all nations have copied, to the common sense of a more humane and progressive age. To-day women are asking to be delivered from all the curses and blessings alike of the Jewish God and the ordinances he established.In this book we have the ten com- mandments repeated.E.C.S. ######## Deuteronomy vii. when the I .ord thy God shall heing thee into and cut down their groves, and burn their graven the land whither thou guest so possess it and bath m -~rages with fire. cast out many nations before thee.6 roe thou art a holy people. 2 Thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy 7 The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor them: thou shalt make no covenant with them, choose you, because ye were more in number than nor shew mercy unto them:any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: 3 Neither sh-.lt thou make marriages with them; 8 Buthecause the Lord loved you, and because thy daughter s on shalt not give unto his son, nor he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto his i suchter shalt thou take unto thy son,your fathers, hath the Lord brought you out with 4 - roe they will turn away thy son from follow- a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house ing me.of boodmen, from the band of Pharaoh king of s But thus shall ye deal with them: ye shall de-Egypt. stroy their altars, and break down their images, ############# Desrteeotsoewy vii. when the I ord thy God shall heing thee into and cut down their groves, and burn their graven the land whither thou goest so possess rt and hath - - ae.~.rges with fire. cast out many nations before thee.6 ror thou art a holy people. 2 Thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy 7 The Lord did not set his love upon you, nee them: thou shalt make no covenant with them, choose you, because ye were more in number than nor shew mercy unto them:any people; for ye were the fewest of all people; ~Neither sh-.lt thou make marriages with them; 8 Butbecause the Lord loved you, and because thy daughter t on shalt not give unto his son, nor he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto his i sughter shalt thou take unto thy son,your fathers, bath the Lord brought you out with 4 - r0~- they will turn away shy son from follow- a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of thehotsse ing me.of boudmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of s But thus shall ye deal with them: ye shall de-Egypt. stroy their altars, and break down their images, WITH the seven nations that God cast out, the children of Israel were commanded to make no covenants, nor matrimonial alliances lest they should fall into idolatry. As men are more given to wandering in strange countries than women these injunctions are intended specially for them. Adam Clarke says, the heart being naturally inclined to evil, the idolatrous wife would more readily draw aside the believing husband, than the believing husband the idolatrous wife. That being the case, could not the believing wife with her subtle influence have brought over the idolatrous husband? Why should she not have the power to convert to one religion as well as another, especially as there was no choice between them. There could not have been anything worse than the Jewish religion illustrated in their daily walk and conversation, as described in their books, and if the human heart naturally inclined to evil, as many converts might have been made to the faith of Moses as to any other. With this consideration it is plain that if the Jews had offered women any superior privileges, above any other tribe, they could have readily converted the women to their way of think- Deuteronomy vii. ?when she I ord thy God shall heing thee into the land whither thou guess to possess it and hath cast out many nations before thee. 2 Thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them: thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them: 3 Neither nh?Ic thou make marriages with them; thy daughter t on shalt not give unto his son, nor his i soghtershailt thou take unto thy son. 4 - 5or they will turn away shy son from following me. ~But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven rs?-es with fire. 6 For thou art a holy people. 7 The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: 8 Butbecause the Lord loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, bath the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out ofthehouse of boudmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. WITH the seven nations that God cast out, the children of Israel were commanded to make no covenants, nor matrimonial alliances lest they should fall into idolatry. As men are more given to wandering in strange countries than women these injunctions are intended specially for them. Adam Clarke says, the heart being naturally inclined to evil, the idolatrous wife would more readily draw aside the believing husband, than the believing husband the idolatrous wife. That being the case, could not the believing wife with her subtle influence have brought over the idolatrous husband? Why should she not have the power to convert to one religion as well as another, especially as there was no choice between them. There could not have been anything worse than the Jewish religion illustrated in their daily walk and conversation, as described in their books, and if the human heart naturally inclined to evil, as many converts might have been made to the faith of Moses as to any other. With this consideration it is plain that if the Jews had offered women any superior privileges, above any other tribe, they could have readily converted the women to their way of thinking. The Jewish God seems as vacillating and tempest-tossed between loving and hating his subjects as the most undiciplined son of Adam. The supreme ideal of these people was pitiful to the last degree and the appeals to them were all on the lowest plane of human ambition. The chief promise to the well-doer was that his descendants should be as numerous as the sands of the sea. In chapter ix when rebelhi- ,~:t at Horeb is described, Aaron only is refered to, and in chapter x when his death is mentioned, nothing is said of Miriam. In the whole recapitulation she is forgotten, though altogether the grandest character of the three, though cast out of the camp and stricken with leprosy, in vengeance, she harbors no resentment, but comforts and cheers the women with songs and dances, a11 through their dreary march of forty years. Desrteroecony r. s8 He doth easecute she judgment of the father-s~ Lo'me ye therefore she stranger: firr ye were less and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving strangers in the land of Egypt. him food and raiment. ########### Desdororcoey nt s8 He doth execute she judgment cc the father-s~ Love ye iberefore the stranger: 6rr ye were less and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving strangers in the land of Egypt. him food and raiment. The sacred fabulist has failed to give us any choice examples in which the Jews executed just judgments for widows or fatherless girls; on the contrary in all their dealings with women of all ranks, classes and ages ?they were merciless and unjust. As to the stranger, their chief occupation was war and wholesale slaughter, not only of the men on the battlefield, but of innocent women and children, destroying their cities and making their lands desolate. A humane person reading these books for the first time without any glamour of divine inspiration, would shudder at their cruelty and blush at their obscenity. Those who can make these foul facts illustrate beautiful symbols must have genius of a high order. Deuteronomy xii. s8 But thou most eat them before the Lord thy God in she place which the Lord thy God shall choose, thou, and shy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and tIny maidservant, and the Levise that is within thy gates; and thou shalt rejoice hefore the Lord shy God in all that tlso,a puttest thuine hands unto. t9 Take heed so thyself tlnmrt thou forsake s~e she Levise as long as thou livest upon the earth. If women have been faithful to any class of the human family it has been to the Levite. The chief occupation of their lives next to bearing children has been to sustain the priesthood and the churches. With continual begging, fairs and donation parties, they have helped to plant religious temples on every hill-top and valley, and in the streets of all our cities, so that the doleful church bell is forever ringing in our ears. The Levites have not been an unqualified blessing, ever fannv~- the flames of religious persecution they have been the chief actors in subjugating mankind. E. C. S ###########. ffeutemeonomy xiii. 6 ? If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thee, from the one end of she earth even unto Site thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of shy bosom, other end of the earth; or thy friend, which is as shine own soul, entice 8 Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve uthen ~ - gusto him; neither shall shine eye pity hint, treithesgods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor th) - - shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: fathers; g But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand 7 Namely, of the gods of the people which tareshall he first upon him to pus him so death. and round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off fromafterwards the hand of all the people. HERE is the foundation of all the terrible persecutions for a change of faith so lamentable among the Jews and so intensified among the Christians. And en, which I have not God any bullock or sheep, wherein is blemish, commanded; o~-any evil favouredness: for Ihat is an abomin- 4 And it be told Ihee, and thou hans heard ofit, atfon unto fhe Lord ihy God, and inquired diligently, and, behold, it tIe true, and a ? If iherebe found among you, man orwoman, the Ihingeertain. ihat such abomination inweought that hath wrought wickedness in Ihe sight of the in Israel; Lord Ihy God, in tranngreosing his covenant:s Then shalt thou bring forfh thai man or that 3 And hafh gone and served oilier gods, and woman unto thy gates and shalt stone them with worshipped them, either the sun, or the moon, stones, till they die. This is certainly a very effective way of strengthening religjous faith. Most people would assent to any religious dogma, however absurd, rather than be stoned to death. As all their healthy tender lambs and calves were eaten by the priests and rulers, no wonder they were so particular to get the best. To delude the people it was necessary to give a religious complexion to the sacrifices and to make God command the people to bring their choicest fruits and grains and meats. It was very easy for these accomplished prestidigitators to substitute the offal for sacrifices on their altars, and keep the dainty fruits and meats for themselves, luxuries for their own tables. The people have always been deluded with the idea that what they gave to the church and the priesthood was given unto the Lord, as if the Maker of the universe needed anything at our hands. How incongruous the idea of an Infinite being who made all the planets and the inhabitants thereof commanding his creatures to kill and burn animals for offerings to him. It is truly pitiful to see the deceptions that have been played upon the people in all ages and countries by the priests in the name of religion. They are omnipresent, ever playing on human credulity, at birth and death, in affliction and at the marriage feast, in the saddest and happiest moments of our lives they are near to administer consolation in our sortows, and to add blessings to our joys. No other class of teachers have such prestige and power, especially over woman.E. C. S. ############# Deuteronomy xviii. g ? ?when thou art come into the land which is Or a charmer, or a consulter wtth fasssll~,. the Lord thy God givesh thee, thou shalt not spirits, or a wizard, or a necromnninm~ learn the abominatiorts of those nasioun.sa For all that do these things are as no There shalt not be found among you ony ination unto the Lord. one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,- ONE would think that Moses with his rod taking the children of Israel through the Red Sea, bringing water out of a rock and manna from heaven, going up into a mountaln and there surrounding himself with a cloud of smoke, sending out all manner of pyrotechnics, thunder and lightning, and deluding the people into the idea that there he met and talked with Jehovah, should have been more merciful in his judgments ot all witches, necromancers and soothsayers. One would think witches, charmers and necromancers possessing the same power and manifesting many of the same wonders that he did, should not have been so severely punished for their delusions. Moses had taught them to believe in miracles. When the human mind is led to believe things outside the realm of known law, it is prepared to accept all manner of absurdities. And yet the same people that ridicule Spiritualism, Theosophy and Psycholegy, believe in the ten plagues of Egypt and the passage of the children of Israel through the Red Sea. If they did go through, it was when the tide was low at that point, which Moses understood and Pharaoh did not. Perhaps the difficulty is to be gotten over in much the same way as that employed by the negro preacher who, when his statement, that the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea on the ice, was questioned on the ground that geography showed that the climate there was too warm for the formation of ice, replied: ?Why, this happened betore there was any geography!? The Jews, as well as the surrounding nations, were dominated by all manner of supernatural ideas. All these uncanny tricks and delusions being forbidden ################## Deuteronomy xx, xxs. x~ But the women, and the little ones, and time cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyselt; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the Lord tiny God bath given thee. sO ? ?when (boo guest forth to war against thtne enemies, and the Lord thy God bath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive, ss And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wile; s2 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house; and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails; 13 And she shall pun the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain ho shine house, and bewail her father and her mother a f~sll month: and after that she shall be thy wife. t4 And it small be, if thou have no delighit in her, then thou shalt let her gini whither sire will but thou shalt not veil her at ali for snnonies, slums shall not make merchandise ot her, tinerauise thou hast tttccuttcied her. ss ? If a man have two wives, use lmi:hmivsil, and another hated, and tirey tins-c tuornue tihsss children, Ito/h the hehosed and the haled : aunt -?:he firstborn son be tiers that wam huarhc-ul x6 Then it shall he, when ice mahuc-Ib his sons to inherit that which he halt,, t/uctt Ire ncarv nunS make the son of the beloved hiummlhicurn hiefote tins, son of the hated, oh nc/n ni jucdcind the hirsuhortr sy But he shall acknowledge thu sun of Ike hated for lIne flrstlrorn, by givinig turn a duicnhule portion of all that he bath: for he i.u she hreginning of his strength: lice right of the firstborn in his. All this is done if the woman will renounce her religion and accept the new faith. The shaving of the head was a rite in accepting the new faith, the paring of the nails a token of submission. In all these transactions the woman had no fixed rights whatever. In that word ~humbledct is included the whole of our false morality in regard to the equal relations of the sexes. Why in this responsible act of creation, on which depends life and immortality, woman is said to be humbled, when she is the prime factor in the relation, is a question difficult to answer, except in her general degradation, carried off without her consent as spoils of war, subject to the fancy of any man, to be taken or cast off at his pleasure, no matter what is done with her. Her sons must be carefully guarded and the rights of the first-born fully recognized. The man is of more value than the mother in the scale of being whatever her graces and virtues may be. If these Jewish ideas were obsolete they might not be worth our attention, but our creeds and codes are still tinged with the Mosaic laws and customs. The English law -of primogeniture has its foundation in the above teXt. The position of the wife under the old common law has the same origin. When Bishop Colenso went as a mtssionary to Zululand, the horror with which the most devout and intelligent of the natives questioned the truth of the Pentateuch confirmed his own doubts of the records. Translating with the help of a Zulu scholar he was deeply impressed with his revulsion of feeling at the following passage : ?If a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand, he shall be surely punished. Sotwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for Ii~: is his money.? Exodus xxi: 20, 21. ?I shall never forget,? says t'? Bishop, ?the revulsion of feeling, with which a very intelligent Christian native, with whose help I was translating these last words into the Zulu tongue, first heard them as words said to be uttered by the same great and gracious Being, whom I was teaching him to trust in and adore. His whole soul revolted against the notion, that the Great and Blessed God, the Merciful Father of all mankind, would speak of a servant or maid as mere ?money,' and allow a horrible crime to go unpunished, because the victim of the brutal usage had survived a few hours!? Though they had no Pentateuch nor knowledge of our religion, their respect for the mother of the race and their recognition of the feminine element in the Godhead, as shown in the following beautiful prayer, might teach our Bishops, Priests and Levites a lesson they have all yet to learn. EVENING PRAYER. ?0 God, Thou hast let me pass the day in peace: let me pass the night in peace, 0 Lord, who hast no Lord! There is no strength but in Thee: Thou alone hast no obligation. Under Thy hand I pass the day! under Thy hand I pass the night! Thou art my Mother, Thou my Father! Placing the mother first shows they were taught by Nature that she was the prime factor in their existence. In the whole Bible and the Christian religion man is made the alpha and omega everywhere in the state, the church and the home. And we see the result in the general contempt for the sex expressed freely in our literature, in the halls of legislation, in church convocations and by leading Bishops wherever they have opportunities for speech and whenever they are welcomed in the popular magazines of the day.E. C. S. hing which the Lord hath commcw{ ".0AC=?ACXZ\^qq !^xz|j ,  "0Ck0J?TV5RT[l##y "u < b""""""8###$|$$&%&%%%I&~&&&&&&&&'''w''(a(( ))'******+,+.+0+2+m+/P////b000h112D2c223333T478C89;;9<<<<<<<$=x===>?`@b@t@`A`AAABBBaDjDlDzDD=EoFqFF GaGcGeGgGGIIJ J J_KK4LLtMvMNeOgOQQQQQORSfSSS[TTTTJWJW~ZZZZZ [v[[[ \<\o\\\\] c c c!c#c%c'c)c)c?c'dd8eee[fAgghhiin{n}nnnnns(t*t;t;t=tMuOu]w_wawcwcw^#&%*3`A JJW)c;tcwGoudy Old Style =/8=/8dCompObjU