ࡱ>  Root Entry( JruZ¿MatOST+eZ¿ lZ¿MMMN0 tND ( JrMicrosoft Works MSWorksWPDoc9q tT THE BOOK OF NUMBERS. CHAPTER I. THE BOOK OF NUMBERS Numbers i~ And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilder. ness of Sinai, saying. 2 Take ye the sum of all the congregati=/8=/8dCompObjUdissensions alike into the church and the home. This census of able bodied men still rulls on through chapter ii, and all these potential soldiers are called children of their fathers. Although at this period wom:tns chief duty and happiness was bearing children, no mention is made of the mothers of this mighty host, though solne woman had gone to the gates of death to give each suldicr life ; provided him with rations long before he could forage for himself, and first taught his little feet to march to tune and time. But, perhaps, if we could refer to the old Jewish census tables we might find that the able bodied males of these tribes, favorites of Heaven, had all sprung, Minerva-like, from the brains of their fathers, and that only the priests, the feeble old men and the children had mothers to care for them, in the absence of the princes and soldiers. However, in some valuable calculations of Schencher we learn that there was some thought of the mothers of the tribes by German commentators. We find in his census such references. as the following: The children of S T t =/8d tT THE BOOK OF NUMBERS. CHAPTER I. THE BOOK OF NUMBERS Numbers i~ And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilder. ness of Sinai, saying. 2 Take ye the sum of all the congregation ot the children of Israel, after their families, by the house of their fathers, with the number ~,t heir names, every male by their polis: 32 ? These are those which were numbered of the children of Israel hv the house ~f their fathers : all those that were tiucnil,ere'I uf the coups throughout their hosts ~ C six honcireil thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty. IN this chapter Moses is commanded to number the people and the princes of the tribe, males only, and by the houses 1)1 their fathers. As the object was to see how many effective men there were able to go to war, the priests, the women, the feeble old men and children were not counted. Women have frequently been classified with priests in some privileges and disabilities. At one time in the United States tlle clergy were not allowed to vote nor hold office. Like women, tlley were considered too good to mingle in political circles. For them to have individual opinions on the vital questions of the hour might introduce dissensions alike into the church and the home. This census of able bodied men still rulls on through chapter ii, and all these potential soldiers are called children of their fathers. Although at this period wom:tns chief duty and happiness was bearing children, no mention is made of the mothers of this mighty host, though solne woman had gone to the gates of death to give each suldicr life ; provided him with rations long before he could forage for himself, and first taught his little feet to march to tune and time. But, perhaps, if we could refer to the old Jewish census tables we might find that the able bodied males of these tribes, favorites of Heaven, had all sprung, Minerva-like, from the brains of their fathers, and that only the priests, the feeble old men and the children had mothers to care for them, in the absence of the princes and soldiers. However, in some valuable calculations of Schencher we learn that there was some thought of the mothers of the tribes by German commentators. We find in his census such references. as the following: The children of Jacob by Leah. The children of Jacob by Zilpah. The children of Jacob by Rachel. The children of Jacob by Bilhah. But even this generous mention of the mothers of the tribe of Jacob does not satisfy the exacting members of the Revising Committee. We feel that the facts should have been stated thus: The children of Leah, Zilpah, Rachel and Bilhah by Jacob, making Jacob the incident instead of the four women. Men may consider this a small matter on which to make a point, but in restoring woman's equality everywhere we must insist on her recognition in all these minor particulars, and especially in the Bible, to which people go for their authority on the civil and social status of all womankind. E.C.S. d advantages of life for education, self-supp { ".0EGSOQ{Jqq !JL' )  J Goudy Old Style