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Scientists now give 85,000 years for the growth of the race. They assign 6o,ooo to savagism, 20,000 to barbarism, and 5,000 to civilization. Recent historians tell us that for centuries woman reigned supreme. That period was called the Matriarchate. Then man seized the reins of government, and we are now under the Patriarchate. But we see on all sides new forces gathering, and woman is already abreast with man in art, science, literature, and government. The next dynasty, in which both will reign as equals, will be the Amphiarchate, which is close at hand. Psychologists tell us of a sixth sense now in process of development, by which we can read each other's mind and communicate without speech. The Tempter might have had that sense, as he evidently read the minds of both the creature and 26THE WOMAN'S BIBLE. the Creator, if we are to take this account as literally true, as Adam Clarke advises.E.C.S. Note the significant fact that we always hear of the ?fall of man,? not the fall of woman, showing that the consensus of human thought has been more unerring than masculine interpretation. Reading this narrative carefully, it is amazing that any set of men ever claimed that the dogma of the inferiority of woman is here set forth. The conduct of Eve from the beginning to the end is so superior to that of Adam. The command not to eat of the fruit of the tree of Knowledge was given to the man alone before woman was formed. Genesis ii, 17. Therefore the injunction was not brought to Evþ•S®® °T›Ð²t€ Ššššš  à=Ð/Ð8dšÿÿÿÿаtš¬T COMMENTS ON GENESIS.25 Like Socrates or Plato, his powers of conversation and asking puzzling~ayestions, were no doubt marvellous, and he roused in the woman that intense thirst for knowledge, that the simple pleasures of picking flowers and talking with Adam did not satisfy. Compared with Adam she appears to great advantage through the entire drama. The curse pronounced on woman is inserted in an unfriendly spirit to justify her degradation and subjection to man. With obedience to the laws of health, diet, dress, and exercise, the period of maternity should be one of added vigor in both body and mind, a perfectly natural operation should not be attended with suffering. By the observance of physical and psychical laws the supposed curse can be easily transformed into a blessing. Some churchmen speak of maternity as a disability, and then chant the Magnificat in all their cathedrals round the globe. Through all life's shifting scenes, the mother of the race has been the greatest factor in civilization. We hear the opinion often expressed, that woman always has, and always will be in subjection. Neither assertion is true. She enjoyed unlimited individual freedom for many centuries, and the events of the present day all point to her speedy emancipation. Scientists now give 85,000 years for the growth of the race. They assign 6o,ooo to savagism, 20,000 to barbarism, and 5,000 to civilization. Recent historians tell us that for centuries woman reigned supreme. That period was called the Matriarchate. Then man seized the reins of government, and we are now under the Patriarchate. But we see on all sides new forces gathering, and woman is already abreast with man in art, science, literature, and government. The next dynasty, in which both will reign as equals, will be the Amphiarchate, which is close at hand. Psychologists tell us of a sixth sense now in process of development, by which we can read each other's mind and communicate without speech. The Tempter might have had that sense, as he evidently read the minds of both the creature and 26THE WOMAN'S BIBLE. the Creator, if we are to take this account as literally true, as Adam Clarke advises.E.C.S. Note the significant fact that we always hear of the ?fall of man,? not the fall of woman, showing that the consensus of human thought has been more unerring than masculine interpretation. Reading this narrative carefully, it is amazing that any set of men ever claimed that the dogma of the inferiority of woman is here set forth. The conduct of Eve from the beginning to the end is so superior to that of Adam. The command not to eat of the fruit of the tree of Knowledge was given to the man alone before woman was formed. Genesis ii, 17. Therefore the injunction was not brought to Eve with the impressive solemnity of a Divine Voice, but whispered to her by her husband and equal. It was a serpent supernaturally en-dower!, a seraphim as Scott and other commentators have claimed, who talked with Eve, and whose words might reasonably seem superior to the second-hand story of her companion? nor does the woman yield at once. She quotes the command not to eat of the fruit to which the serpent replies ?Dying ye shall not die,? v. 4' literal translation. In other words telling her that if the mortal body does perish, the immortal part shall live forever, and offering as the reward of her act the attainment of Knowledge. Then the woman fearless of death if she can gain wisdom takes of the fruit; and all this time Adam standing beside her interposes no word of objection. ?Her husband with her? are the words of v. 6. Had he been the representative of the divinely appointed head in married life, he assuredly would have taken upon himself the burden of the discussion with the serpent, but no, he is silent in this crisis of their fate. Having had the command from God himself he interposes no word of warning or remonstrance, but takes the fruit from the hand of his wife without a protest. It takes six verses to describe the ?fall ? of woman, the fall of man is contemptuously dismissed ill a line and a half. The subsequent conduct of Adam was to the last degree dastardly. When the awful time of reckoning comes, and the Jehovah God appears to demand why his command has been disoheycd, Adam endeavors to shield himself behind the gentle being he has declared to be so dear. ?The woman thou gayest to be with me, she gave me and I did eat,? he whines?trying to shield himself at his wife's expense! Again we are amazerl that upon such a story men have built up a theory of their superiority! Then follows what has been called the curse. Is it not rather a prediction? First is the future fate of the serpent described, the enmity of the whole human race??it shall lie in wait for thee as to the head? (v. 15, literal translation). Next the subjection of the woman is foretold, thy husband ?shall rule over thee,? v. i6. Lastly the long struggle of man with the forces of nature is portrayed. ? In the sweat of thy face tllou shalt eat food until thy turning back to the earth ? (v. 19, literal translation). With the evolution of humanity an ever increaSIng number of men have ceased to toil for their bread with their hands, and with the introduction of improved machinery, and the uplifting of the race there will come a time when there shall be no seventies of labor, and when women shall be freed from all oppressions. ?And Adam called his wife's name Life for she was the mother of all living? (v. 20, literal translation). It is a pity that all versions of the Bible (10 not give this word instead of the Hebrew Eve. She was Life, the eternal mother, the first representative of the more valuable and important half of the human race. L. D. B so and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of t²{ "$oqs @B/ E G I K Ž ª qq àÀ!ª ¬ ® ° ² ´ ‚1:_–˨ª¬®°²²0ª ²12Goudy Old StyleТ   à=Ð/Ð8  à=Ð/Ð8d