Catts Claws Archives

1995-01-12.txt 8k
The Quakers which produced the leading edge of education for
women and women's rights is now taking another unpopular stand...
1995-01-16.txt 9k
We all need some good news and the best we've read
lately is that a special prosecutor may soon be named to investigate...
1995-02-09.txt 10k
On the night of October 25, 1991 Krista Absalon was gang raped by
five men in a Gouverneur, New York tavern/restaurant...
1995-02-12.txt 8k
NBC is getting a lot of Religious Supremacist cum
radical republican right hate mail regarding the Monday Night Movie
Serving In Silence...
1995-02-14.txt 13k
Please pass this information around to as many as possible, especially
to women who are involved or facing contested divorces involving children...
1995-02-23.txt 7k
Nancy Dwyer, Oklahoma NOW newsletter editor and one nice lady I
had the joy of clicking a glass of beer with in OK city last summer has a
nine-step recovery program from the Republican takover...
1995-02-26.txt 9k
Often when the "impartial" media has me ready to give it all up, throw away
my reading glasses and start watching daytime TV interview
shows (where do they get those "people"?)...
1995-03-05.txt 63k
In a very polite letter dated 02-02-1995 to Hon. Lance Ito, Tammy
Bruce, president of the National Organization for Women of Los Angeles...
1995-03-16.txt 10k
Maybe it's because Texas has Molly Ivins to latch onto these lines,
but Texas legislators seem to say the damndest things in the funniest ways...
1995-03-19.txt 8k
WAHOO - It may be an accident, but finally one of the leaders of the
women's movement instead of attacking President Clinton - the ONLY person
that stands between the Contract Out On America(n women) and you - is
actually backing him up...
1995-03-23.txt 10k
...As I have said often, blacks may get their rights, gays may
get their rights, but when you leave the room, unless you have
WOMEN'S RIGHTS you ain't got nothing that you ain't got now...
1995-03-26.txt 10k
"It is only a matter of time before one or both political parties put
a woman on the national ticket...
1995-03-30.txt 14k
A UN commission has been set up to investigate rape...
1995-04-02.txt 11k
"Here's one for the books: St. Michael's College (catholic) in
Burlington, Vermont, has cast ***A WOMAN*** as Jesus Christ in the
production of the musical Godspell...
1995-04-04.txt 7k
Tell me that we aren't losing the public relations battle...
1995-04-09.txt 10k
Socially responsible Congressional representatives and senators
are complaining that they are not hearing a groundswell from our
1995-04-11.txt 10k
...Those of you who get my Women of Achievement and Herstory
can tack this onto your files: Event: 03-16-1995, Mississippi
ratified the amendment to the U.S. Constitution that abolished
slavery, almost 130 years after the fact...
1995-04-18.txt 11k
"(Mary, the mother of Christ) had lived all the suffering a woman
can experience in the most tortured anguish...
1995-04-20.txt 8k
...But the physical realities aside, just counting up the
time the "surrogate mother" spends as compared to the male in
the "production" of a surrogate child means the woman
should be paid more than a half million dollars for her wages to be
comparable to the man's...
1995-04-23.txt 13k
Okay, Catt's Claws activists - use any and all of the
following in letters to the main Republicans in the Contract Out on
America(n Women and Children...
1995-04-25.txt 11k
Anybody notice that the Republicans who opposed
until the death the health care reforms of President Clinton are
now suggesting health care reform?
1995-04-27.txt 11k
...Dr. Brian Finkel, whose practice consists mostly of
performing abortions in the Phoenix, Arizona, area has bullet-proof
windows in his office, wears a bullet-proof vest and helmet walking
to his car, and carries a gun...
1995-04-30.txt 12k
The religious supremacists, the far-right of the
Republican party and their specially trained media people would
have you believe - through the sheer weight of their propaganda -
that they speak for people who believe in god...
1995-06-01.txt 12k
China, as the host country, along with some of the other
strongly patriarchal governments and religious groups are trying to
scuttle the effectiveness of the scheduled Fourth World Conference
on Women...
1995-06-03.txt 14k
I "love" all these cartoonists of the ultra-conservative right who make
digs about the "hot coffee in the lap" suit...
1995-06-06.txt 12k
Ten free cellular phones, programmed to dial only one number - 911...
1995-06-11.txt 14k
By the time you read this, I will be off on my "dream" vacation...
1995-07-24.txt 10k
As Catts Claws has said many times before: "the forces of evil never
1995-07-26.txt 15k
SCREAM! Total, absolute frustration! NOW held a conference
in Columbus, Ohio, over the weekend...
1995-07-28.txt 12k
Received a letter the other day with the new Marilyn Monroe stamp on
1995-07-30.txt 1k
According to the Page-A-Day calendar, Rockland Family Shelter
created the Company of Women to sell books, T-shirts, posters,
and mugs,which has generated more than $250,000 for the homeless
and battered women's shelter...
1995-07-31.txt 9k
A few (and it is only a few) anti-freedom-for-women men out of the
thousands of readers of Catt's Claws are attempting to twist my words on why
there is a growing number of violent male teenagers...
1995-08-03.txt 14k
Women made up 53 percent of the first-year classes at the Yale School
of Medicine, at Johns Hopkins and at Harvard marking the first time more
women than men have enrolled as first-year students...
1995-08-13.txt 15k
The recent outpouring against me by those with fun house mirrors for
minds has been amusing...
1995-08-21.txt 13k
"If women's work were accurately reflected in national statistics,
it would shatter the myth that men are the main breadwinners of the world"...
1995-08-25.txt 13k
...Are your newspapers carrying the filthy cartoons about Shannon
Faulkner and the "feminists" who always look like female versions of Rush
1995-08-28.txt 11k
AFTER BEING BEATEN AND HER NECK BROKEN - The police have refused to
share any information...
1995-09-07.txt 14k
The great new media for our brave new world really showed its tail in
its "coverage" of the U.N. Women's Conference(s) in Beijing...
1995-09-10.txt 16k
A year ago during the World-Wide Population Conference in Cairo,
a news show aired that contained graphic, sound film of female genital
mutilation, complete with the child's screams, performed by a barber at a
family celebration...
1995-09-12.txt 18k
Marge Piercy commented recently: "I would offer an analysis of the
present so-called welfare reform as aimed at the problem, probably especially
pressing for Congressmen and Senators, that there are not enough young
whores available to them...
1995-09-14.txt 15k
Ellen De G* could have written this news report. Talk about not seeing
the tree in one's own eye...
1995-09-17.txt 12k
...Hey, guy - the murder of millions of infant girls also runs
contrary to the spirit of any U.N. gathering...
1995-09-19.txt 15k
...I had written the "...commissioner smiled in amusement
at the speaker's words." Across the news room, my editor yelled,
"How do you know he wasn't passing gas?"...
1995-09-21.txt 13k
Kelley Herrigan sent us an update on the Tammy Haas murder case that
has dragged on for THREE years because, some say, the father of the young
man who committed the murder is politically influential...
1995-09-24.txt 19k
The newspapers and TV love to publicize the horrors of finding small
children left alone while the mothers are somewhere else...
1995-09-26.txt 22k
...Our skin crawls and we see barbed wire and concentration camps; we
see emaciated bodies and faces without hope as fanaticism rules over common
sense and decency...
1995-09-28.txt 16k
The slight drop in crime in the U.S. of A. has been credited to a
myriad of reasons... He says the reason is that there are fewer
young men because of the aging of the population...
"Don't put bars on your windows; put on a condom!"...
1995-10-01.txt 18k
"Sexism pervades the atmosphere at the FBI," says the attorney for
women agents...
1995-10-03.txt 16k
There were two, gut-twisting, please-let-me-vomit-on-you bigots in
that courtroom...
1995-10-05.txt 13k
...another woman who did nasty things to the most sacred thing a man has ...
although most of them feel the amputation and scrapping away of a woman's
entire genitalia right to the bone is a religious right...
1995-10-10.txt 20k
There was no Catt's Claws on October 8, 1995. We were too depressed,
along with most of the women of this country...
1995-10-12.txt 18k
...Lt. Commander Solveig Kray of Norway is the new commander of the
submarine Kobben. SHE is the first woman to command a combat sub or
maybe any standard size sub in history...
1995-11-02.txt 20k
...The tobacco industry is really after Bill Clinton for daring to point out
that children shouldn't be smoking...
1995-11-06.txt 16k
Paula Barbieri who claims she stayed celibate waiting for OJ says their
relationship is over...
1995-11-08.txt 19k
Men's fear of latex condom allergies is almost completely unfounded...
1995-11-13.txt 17k
...Two examples of the mis-use of freedom of speech are in the forefront
right now...
1995-11-16.txt 17k
Honest to George Washington, we don't make these things up.
Even White House spokesperson Mike McCurray said, "There's no
conceivable way he would have said anything like that."
Ah, but he did...
1995-11-19.txt 16k
...Where's my barf bag? Where's NOW on this? The Feminist Majority?
The Congressional Women's Caucus - whoops, the Caucus is no more since Gingrich
sliced the funds...
1995-12-03.txt 21k
The sad tale of Lydia Allen and her two sons ended this past November...
1995-12-05.txt 16k
The ridiculousness of this nation's laws is probably one of the things
that makes a lot of Europeans laugh at us...
1995-12-10.txt 17k
A British doctor who raped a woman at a medical conference in Quebec
has been struck from the General Medical Council...
1995-12-12.txt 19k
Recent news stories about the internal problems of NOW have brought
out the long standing refusal of feminist to discuss the MANY past problems
within NOW, ranging from poor money management, poor record-keeping, almost
no cooperation with local chapters...
1995-12-14.txt 7k
ALERT - You can bet the radical right, the "men are so abused" folks, and
the NOW black anarchists led by Effie who have been quietly ripping NOW
apart from the inside will be on the phone to Larry King...
1995-12-17.txt 21k
When I was a young woman in Cleveland, Ohio, oh, so many years ago,
the young boy 7-9 next door was brutally raped by his uncle and suffered
nightmares, as well as severe physical trauma...
1995-12-19.txt 20k
Sharon Bryant who originally informed us of this terrible incident has
sent us an update on young Kimberly who was raped by her father at the age
of 19 days. By his admission, he used BOTH thumbs to penetrate the baby's
1995-12-21.txt 21k
Bill Clinton received a preponderance of the lesbian and gay vote
because of his position on their justly deserved rights as human beings...
1995-12-24.txt 3k
"All I have to give you - is my drum..."
1995-12-26.txt 20k
JeanneK sent us information about how reports of domestic violence
incidents have increased dramatically in Michigan since tougher state laws
took effect and judges are reporting the court system is in a crisis situation
because of it...
1995-12-30.txt 27k
..."The evaporation of four million (people) who believe in this crap would
leave the world a better place," he said. Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition
screamed... Where the hell are the leaders of feminist organizations when bad stuff
is said about women...
1996-01-02.txt 16k
...Good GAWD (God, a woman deity), the NOW rallies and parades can't even
pull stars anymore...
1996-01-04.txt 18k
Warning: the following item regarding the 19-day-old girl raped by
her father is strong to take, so read at your own risk...
1996-01-16.txt 20k
...A Gallup poll found that 1.3 million children a year were
sexually abused. The poll did not ask parents whether they had
sexually abused their children, but rather whether, as far as they
knew, their children had been forced to have sex with an adult or older child...
1996-01-17.txt 19k
The two days of hearings before the House Economic and Employment
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations was nothing but the public
paying for the religious right's Lou Sheldon, an anti-woman, anti-gay
1996-03-05.txt 3k
...There is a new "designer" drug out that is dropped into the drinks
of unsuspecting women that is a form of knock-out pill that allows the woman
to be raped without any problems. Called "roofies"...
1996-04-25.txt 14k
Paul Courry from whom we got the Brendan Walsh quote we use in our
personal email signature: "When they come for the innocent without
crossing over your body,CURSED be your religion and your life"...
1996-05-16.txt 23k
...Family values got another kick in the teeth in Germany...
1996-06-06.txt 22k
So-called feminist are viciously attacking the author of Catt's Claws for
not opening her venues for NOW propaganda and discussion...
1996-06-11.txt 16k
More than one-third of all America's poor children, or about 5.6 million
kids, live in working-poor families, according to a state-by-state survey of
children's well-being released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Of those poor
only 14% are born to teenage mothers...
1996-06-19.txt 22k
AnnaRose announces a new URL for Abortion Clinics OnLine
1996-06-23.txt 21k
...The bottom line is that for the first time suspected child abuse by
priests are to be reported to police authorities. Is that the rule in the U.S.?
Or are they still covering up by transferring the priests?...
1996-06-26.txt 22k
My, my... I guess Catt's Claws has come of age... I received a letter dated
June 21, 1996 from someone saying he was Richard J. Gelles...
1996-06-27.txt 7k
This is an "interim" Catt's Claws that seeks to address
two current, major events that directly pertain to women and women's
rights. The first is about the unparalleled and FILTHY attacks on Hillary
Rodham Clinton...
1996-07-01.txt 16k
The betrayal of American women by doctors, medical practitioners of all
kinds, the Food and Drug Administration, and our own feminist movement's
leaders was revealed in all its glory...
1996-07-14.txt 23k
...So without comment: The Headline reads: NUNS AT RISK OF
1996-08-13.txt 15k
In the last Catt's Claws we wrote about the lies the Centers for Disease
Control, and the medical community as a whole have been foisting on American
women regarding their deaths from pregnancy...
1996-08-20.txt 20k
As babies are routinely paw printed and their prints recorded in a
central registry at birth, we think all infants should also have their DNA
1996-08-22.txt 20k
I'm stuttering. I throw my hands up. Those Sons of whoremongers!
May they all go bankrupt! If any of you EVER buy or drink a bottle of Perrier Water
unless you are dying of thirst in the middle of the Libyan desert, you deserve to
have your throat rot out...
1996-08-25.txt 19k
I've really paced the floor over how to address something I consider a
core error in the hearts of the leaders of today's feminist movement...
1996-08-29.txt 20k
...Another reason NOT to read MS. is that for the past two years they apparently
have made a practice of not paying the free lance writers who write for them,
including one writer who finally took them to court...
1996-09-02.txt 19k
We had the privilege of speaking to Hillary Rodham Clinton at the rally
for President Clinton Sunday afternoon in Little Rock...
1996-09-08.txt 21k
A lot of people have wondered why Bob Dole, hip deep in the big muddy
of radical religious reactionary right-wing redivivus, rapacious Republicans,
took such pains to condemn teacher unions. A wonderful woman in Texas gave us
the reason...
1996-09-11.txt 18k
How many of you were offended - shocked - by the sight of a slight
woman being shackled and handcuffed (chains around her waist) and escorted
to jail by burly marshalls for refusing to lie...
1996-09-15.txt 16k
Without the so-called gender gap in U.S. politics, the presidential
race in 1996 would be a runaway as polls suggest men are throwing
their votes away on a losing candidate...
1996-09-24.txt 19k
Please - PLEASE contact the one or more of the following U.S. Senators
IMMEDIATELY.They are claiming that they are NOT hearing from the pro-choice forces
regarding the late term abortion ban...
1996-10-14.txt 21k
The biggest danger to women today is the radical religious right...
1996-10-20.txt 21k
Congress has outlawed the rite of female genital mutilation...
1996-10-29.txt 22k
"Women are beginning to participate more fully throughout this country
in the life of American. As far as I know, the sky is not falling anywhere."
-- President Clinton, August 26, 1996...
1996-10-31.txt 22k
As of midnight, I officially dub myself a crone...
1996-11-03.txt 22k
Newspaper and TV columnists are predicting (betting on) a record LOW
turnout at the voting booths - big money people trying to talk y'all into
staying home...
1996-11-14.txt 19k
Please distribute a copy of this column to every woman you know who is
in or has been in the Armed Services...
1996-11-26.txt 19k
...Day by day we are finding out new, shocking, and murderous things
that are being done to women by way of the "male is the norm" philosophy...
1996-12-02.txt 17k
...While only a handful of women CEOs run Fortune 500 corporations,
women-owned businesses employ more persons than the Fortune 500 combined...
1996-12-06.txt 18k
On this day, December 6, 1989, at the University of Montreal's school of
engineering, fourteen women were murdered in cold blood by a lone gunman.
They were all shot because they were women...
1996-12-08.txt 17k
...Guessy who is among the leaders of the Republican party trying to pull the
"lamb to slaughter" routine on women. None other than Christine Whitman...
1996-12-11.txt 23k
May we wish the elected officers of the National Organization FOR
Women a Christmas Carol - Dicken's Christmas Carol with a
visitation from Feminists Past, chains and whips and all...
1996-12-18.txt 15k
We regret that Mary Melchoir (and Pat Ireland who signed her
paychecks for all these many years) found it necessary to obtain an
unauthorized copy of SOME of Catt's Claws mailing list...
1997-01-12.txt 23k
We've heard of pissing contests but the recent studies of sperm levels of
men in Finland vs the rest of the world is obviously only the opening salvo in
what promises to be a very, VERY expensive new medical cottage industry...
1997-01-19.txt 22k
...Several people questioned my position regarding the scare stories about
the reported lessening number of sperm in dead men...
1997-01-30.txt 19k
One of the finest summations regarding the welfare reform system came
in last week's column of William Raspberry, a black man who is certainly not
part of the brotherhood of reactionary right...
1997-02-07.txt 23k
Women in the earliest stages of cervical cancer need not have a full
1997-03-08.txt 5k
...When we're on the "right side" of political struggles, our ethnicity is wiped out.
When we're parochial, insensitive or dismissive of black sensibilities, we're
identified as Jewish...
1997-03-11.txt 20k
...More than a million women die each year in childbirth...
1997-03-22.txt 14k
...WOW! All sorts of civil rights flags are being waved over Asian students
being bombarded with hate mail. Joon Park, a junior at Indiana
University is furious. Hey, man - want to read my email? Or the email
of ANY woman who steps out of line?...
1997-03-25.txt 16k
Claws has written a bit [;-)] about how women are being neglected or
even abused in the war against MEN's HIV/AIDS - I say MEN's HIV/AIDS
advisedly because almost all the drug research, education, etc., is being done
for the benefit of men...
1997-03-27.txt 20k
I used to do it from scratch with the kneading and double rising, etc.,
but have become a convert to a bread baking machine...
1997-04-05.txt 21k
We received a message from a reader who has the financial means to
buy a new set of prothesis for the California woman whose forearms were
cut off by her rapist...
1997-04-11.txt 22k
Claws readers, thank you for the many, many messages on how to locate
Mary Vincent, the mutilated survivor of a rapist's brutality - and the
uncaring of the California prison system...
1997-04-29.txt 21k
Give 'em enough time and rope and they will hang themselves.
Catt's Claws' author has been chastised, yelled at, and called names
you wouldn't want your sailor cousin to hear - all for saying that gay MEN do
not support lesbians or women in general...
1997-05-19.txt 17k
Inquiring minds want to know... I guess. Although maybe we could
all live the rest of our lives without knowing what the Religious Right
REALLY thinks of women...
1997-06-21.txt 20k
...We are raised as children to brainwash ourselves with sweetness and
light, to evade reality. To believe that life will always be dancing in
Maryjanes in the loving arms of our own true loves. Then we grow up and
are exposed to what is *really* going on and we just can't handle it...
1997-06-30.txt 19k
As Anita Hill became a watershed symbol in American women's
continuing fight for civil and human rights, the case of the U.S. Air Force
against Lt. Flinn will be the watershed that marks the line in the sand for
the sexual double standard that has plagued women ever since a man
(almost all men) decided HIS genes were more precious than anyone else's...
1997-07-06.txt 24k
...Thank GAWD for men like Lawrence Lader who founded NARAL in his
living room way back when. He is again LEADING the way...
1997-07-23.txt 20k
Like just about everyone else, I am - or would like to - enjoy the lazy,
hazy daze of summer. And then something like this happens...Yes, how can a father
do this to his children? We had written about an Alabama man who killed his two
small daughters for the insurance money at the *same time* that the Susan Smith
murders occurred and the newspapers completely - COMPLETELY - ignored it...
1997-08-20.txt 24k
...It was just "another" woman getting killed story.
There's nothing sensational about that. The reporter (male) didn't see
anything wrong with the comments from one of Texas' wanna-be-macho men...
1998-02-01.txt 4k
Y'all know, of course, that the Rutherford Foundation has been fund-raising by
using their involvement with the Paula Jones case. It is an ultra-right think tank
out of Virginia and that has been bankrolling Paula Jones...
1999-03-25.txt 17k
More than a million ethnic Albanians, etc., are being
displaced from Kosovo. Untold thousands are dead or are
marked for death...
1999-04-25.txt 18k
Recently six men who "imported" young women as
young as 14 to the U.S. from Mexico were convicted of various
charges and ordered to pay the 17 women and girls $1 million...
2000-06-08.txt 25k
Listen up here... especially you liberal purists who can't
tell an endangered owl from the endangered form of
government that is saving your ass...
2001-01-10.txt 25k
OK - Let's have a real inaugural day protest...
2001-09-30.txt 20k
Robert Fisk wrote in the UK (where the press is acting more like
reporters and not, as they are in the U.S., as stenographers for Karl
Rove and Ari Fleisher, aka georgie the lesser's brains...
2001-10-04.txt 17k
Several people have submitted ideas about what the posing of the "answer girl"
on the self-described "progressive frat boys"
website means...