Children need.
the pdf file version
of this article that was
published at 13
Domestic Violence Report 65 (2008)
Lawyers' unacknowledged conflicts are destroying the quality of family law representation.
One of the problems
with the rise of therapeutic jurisprudence and the placement of non-legal
systems into the courts is the subtle denigration of long-established precepts
of lawyer independence and due process. One of the multiple ways this happens
in the family courts is through the common development of multidisciplinary
collegial relationships and business referral. The conflict arises
because most lawyers represent different clients taking different sides
in different cases (sometimes the wife, sometimes the husband, sometimes
the "good guy", sometimes the "bad guy", etc.). If
a lawyer coming into a case runs up against an expert he has a referral
or employment relationship with in other cases, and that expert takes an
adverse position to the lawyer's client in the new case, the lawyer will
have a very difficult time adequately representing his client. Appropriate
representation may require the lawyer to strenuously object to an expert's
testimony -- or even the expert himself. But if the lawyer needs the good
will and cooperation of the expert in connection with the lawyer's other
clients' pending cases, he cannot do that because he may put those other
cases at risk. Lawyers in these
positions will be tempted to rationalize to themselves, as well as maintain
the posture in the community at large, that the expert's opinions, even
when they are adverse to his client, are scientifically valid -- even when
they may not be, even if they are deeply flawed or completely bogus. These
lawyers may rationalize to themselves that the validity of the science
is not their responsibility because, after all, lawyers are not "scientists". The lawyer who naively
or purposefully steps down the path of multidisciplinary practice, regularly
exchanging referrals and engaging in other close associations with nonlawyer
case participants (a practice that is encouraged by mixed-discipline organizations
such as the AFCC under the Orwellian assumption that this somehow fosters
justice and works to "improve" the courts) in fact has sold his
professional soul to the devil -- literally. The lawyer and these
other participants in the system have different roles. When lawyers directly
hire paralegals, experts, and others to assist them, there is not as much
of a problem, even when these individuals are independent contractors.
First, their work is covered by attorney work product unless and until
they testify. Second, because they were hired by the lawyer, they are subject
to the same conflict of interest rules as the lawyer is, as far as their
involvement in other cases and with other people. That is not the case
with "independent" experts, however. Custody evaluators and guardians
ad litem who render opinions "for the court", so-called "court-appointed
experts", are a very different matter. The conflict of interest
problems are inherent in the nature of the association. They exist even
when there is no explicit association or referral relationship. They are
not the same as having a professional relationship with another lawyer
who regularly may be on the opposing side of a case, because unlike the
lawyer colleague, these individuals are case participants -- witnesses
or even parties. They are not akin to neutral judges or magistrates, the
bailiffs or other courthouse personnel. None of these truly neutral courthouse
persons advocates for a position in a case, testifies as a witness, or
participates as a party proper (as do some GALs). The routine broad
involvement of these expert witnesses must be recognized by the legal profession
as the egregious misjudgment it is, as well as fostering ethical violations
that must be addressed by state bar ethics rules. Contrary to the rationalizing
rhetoric, court-appointed evaluators and opining GALs are not neutral participants
in the system. Even if they initially are hired under that rubric, once
their reports are rendered, and their opinions formed and ready to be given,
they have become advocates for one or the other side or issue. Thus, at
a point, they are, just as any party would be, pointedly in favor of certain
outcomes, and adverse to others. What does the lawyer
do when an expert the lawyer is relying on in one case takes a similar
position that lacks scientific merit against another of the same lawyer's
clients in another case. Because the expert and the lawyer have been, are
currently, or will be in cahoots in other cases, the lawyer is placed into
a conflict, unable zealously to discredit the expert when that is necessary
to protect his client. Bar ethics rules must address this. (The experts
themselves have the same temptation to manipulate their opinions to please
those lawyers with whom they have ongoing relationships and receive referrals
-- contributing to yet more corruption of the system.) Court appointed witnesses
and parties in other people's private civil cases are interlopers in the
justice system and must be excised. The very integrity of the justice system
is at stake. To the extent well-meaning individuals did not fathom the
repercussions, and were swayed by sweet-sounding ideas that simply do not
work well in practice, and bought into the rhetoric originating in the
psychology trade promotion organizations, it's time for a regroup and an
honest reappraisal. Lawyers are advocates.
If an expert's position supports the lawyer's client, the lawyer is going
to accept that opinion and put it forward in the interests of his client's
case. But when the lawyer encounters the very same scientifically meritless
position by the same expert in a case in which that does not favor the
lawyer's client, what does the lawyer do? It does not take
any "expert" to do a home study or investigate readily observable
facts. The proof of that is how often the court-hired opiners are not specialists
but lawyers and laypersons. The taint is especially egregious when there
is a perception of need for psychological "experts", however,
because, unlike other kinds of experts, the field of applied psychology
is overrun with political machinations, nonsensical theories, half-baked
ideas, and outright misrepresentations. Too often it's not close to "science"
and it's not technical knowledge either. Much of the time, it's more akin
to an expertise in astrology, or theology -- high familiarity with complicated
ideas and methods of calculating answers, and the body of literature that
discusses all of this, but otherwise somewhere between unhelpful and misleading
when it comes to ascertaining the facts. Unlike lawyers in
many other areas of practice, who may retain their clients for years, family
lawyers typically need a steady stream of new one-shot clients. In addition,
family lawyers also tend to work in smaller firms. So they value those
who send them business. Too many family lawyers, perhaps without recognizing
or acknowledging the subtle conflicts of interest that have caused their
discomfort and unwillingness adequately to represent some of their clients
in some of their cases, in fact have sacrificed these clients on the altar
of maintaining their professional relationships, associations, and referral
sources. In such circumstances,
some busy family lawyers will admit to feeling burnout, but they've rationalized
their unwillingness to zealously advocate for their clients, as well as
their discomfort, as perhaps stemming from the "high conflict"
created by unreasonable clients, or the high emotional toll their cases
are taking on them. Others retain their enthusiasm by becoming extremist
ideologues and proponents of bad science, taking only cases in which they
will not encounter these conflicts and suspending their judgment and integrity
in the interests of churning cases and making money. For example, this
is seen among lawyers who assert in case after case with different facts
that their clients have been the victims of "parental alienation".
(The father's rights advocates also would lay this charge on the anti-abuse
industry.) The lawyer resolves the cognitive dissonance by committing to
propositions outside of law and outside of the lawyer's academic expertise,
and -- maintaining a deliberate self-serving ignorance -- carries these
ideas into the media of the legal field. This conveniently furthers the
propagation of the bad science, and it inappropriately encourages lawyers
to adopt ideological positions of dubious merit. Some lawyers caught
in this vortex justify their lack of vigorous representation, and the coerced
settlements they've foisted on some clients as really hailing from a motivation
and concern for the best interests of children, or for taking a reasonable
settlement position, or the high road, or as their commitment to helping
people to just get along. They attempt to redefine their jobs, paternalistically,
as dictators who must "control" their clients, not as agents
for them. They may profess to themselves and each other and everyone else
around a great affinity for mediation and therapy and collaborative resolution,
and all manner of therapeutic jurisprudence in the interests of everyone,
and similar specious posturing, encouraged in their self-delusion by a
steady drip of MHP literature -- and new referral retainers. This kind
of thing is just not as pervasive in other areas of the law, no matter
how heated the conflicts get, and it's one substantial reason the public
has such a generally dim view of the family courts and family lawyers.
"Therapeutic jurisprudence" is a primary reason the family courts
are seen as not working, unjust, and broken. Given that clients
are entitled to their choice of attorneys, and are entitled to independent,
unconflicted agents at law who are committed to furthering their interests
and goals (as the client, not the attorney, has defined them), one immediately
viable solution is a rule of disqualification of any GAL or forensic expert
who previously has been associated in any case with either of the lawyers
in that case, and the striking and nullification of all testimony and reports
of that expert, no matter at what stage of a case the lawyer is hired and
may enter the case. It also is time to
substantially limit the use of forensic experts and GALs in family court
altogether because for the most part, MHPs, including child custody evaluators
and their related forensic offshoots, in fact are unneeded, unhelpful,
and undesirable in the vast majority of child custody cases. liz 01-08-08 Elizabeth
J. Kates, Esq.
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