Sep 01, 2014:
All about global warming (and "man-made global warming)
If you really want to know, listen to Prof. Easterbrooke:
If you're short of time, see Global warming just eco-religion?, by Ed Berry, who has a Ph.D. in atmospheric physics and is a former National Science Foundation program manager for weather modification.
Aug 24, 2014:
The revolting truth:
Aug 17, 2014:
Jeanine Pirro on the Rick Perry indictment nonsense:
Aug 13, 2014:
Obama "ended the war in Iraq". Hahahahaha... (asshole).
Aug 10, 2014:
Osama bin Laden crosses the U.S.-Mexican border.
(A child could do it).
Obama is a liar or an ignoramus. Harry Reid is a liar or an ignoramus. Anyone who tells you that the border is safe is a
liar or an ignoramus. We need militia lined up along the border, and ready to shoot. Also see
James O'Keefe's website and Project Veritas.
Aug 02, 2014:
Benjamin Netanyahu, age 28 (1978), on why there should be no new "Palestinian state":
Aug 01, 2014:
IDF says "know the facts":
On August 1, the IDF scheduled a shipment of goods into Gaza.
At 8 a.m. the US and UN-backed ceasefire started.
At 9:30 a.m. Hamas launched a massive attack near the Kerem Shalom border crossing, preventing the entry of 91 trucks
carrying food, gas, fuel, water, medical equipment, medicine and mattresses.
Hamas deprived Palestinian citizens of
vital humanitarian aid.
Jul 29, 2014:
Building tunnels to kill Jews is more important.
Jul 24, 2014:
Medal Of Honor recipient SSG Ryan M. Pitts
demonstrates how to wield a gavel. Charming:
Jul 23, 2014:
Trey Gowdy versus the IRS Commissioner:
Jul 09, 2014:
Ted Cruz on the "humanitarian disaster" of Obama's own making and lawlessness.
Jul 03, 2014:
Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, spreading ignorance and
speaking at the Aspen Ideas Festival, June 30, 2014, said, regarding the SCOTUS
Hobby Lobby decision:
Clinton isn't "troubled". Clinton is pandering. In light of the Obama administration's record of dangerous incompetence,
Clinton is, as are many other Dems and the liberal media, seizing upon the old hysteria-mongering that urges women
to vote for anyone, anyone at all, even a Pol Pot or a Stalin, so long as it's not going to be a Republican who might, eeeeek
eeeeek eeeeek, be "against women's health care" (translate: "health care" means "abortion").
It's not "expensive". If between the man and the woman wanting to have sex the two of them can't afford
something that is cheaper than a movie date or a trip to McDonalds, perhaps they should consider doing
something else in their spare time.
It's not a "service". It's a product. A product available in various forms with and without a prescription. No one is
controlling the gynecologist's services or advice during the free annual checkup paid for by the "insurance"
that doesn't cover all birth control products at 100%.
Hobby Lobby's insurance covers lots of contraception options. What it
doesn't cover are abortifacients, euphemistically also called contraception. It covers: male and female condoms,
diaphragms, sponges, cervical caps, spermicide alone,
birth-control pills (of all kinds), contraceptive patches, contraceptive rings, progestin injections, implantable rods,
vasectomies, and female sterilization surgeries and implants. Even the liberal Washington Post has identified
her comments containing multiple lies. See
Jul 01, 2014:
The murdered Israeli boys: not a "tragedy":
Trag-e-dy (trj-d) n. pl. trag-e-dies - 1. A drama or literary work in which
the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially
as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable
circumstances. 2. The genre made up of such works. 3. The art or theory of writing or
producing these works. 4. A play, film, television program, or other narrative work that portrays
or depicts calamitous events and has an unhappy but meaningful ending. 5. A disastrous event,
especially one involving distressing loss or injury to life: an expedition that ended in tragedy,
with all hands lost at sea. 6. A tragic aspect or element.
Reporters must stop using the illiterate word "tragedy" to describe homicide and terrorism.
"Tragedy" refers to the
outcome from the point of view of the protagonist or actor, his suffering of an accidental, unpredictable, inexplicable,
unavoidable and unintentional outcome. Heinous crimes do not fit this description. They are not "tragedies." They are OUTRAGES.
("Sad" also is an inappropriate, supercilious and obnoxious word to describe such circumstances. The friends
and relatives are grief-stricken, and the event itself is an atrocity.)
Jun 30, 2014:
Hobby Lobby.
Given the nuclear reactions going off among Flukists who obviously haven't even read this narrow decision, you'd
think people were being prevented from buying 50-cent condoms or $4/mo. birth control pills. If
between the man and the woman wanting to have sex the two of them can't afford something that is cheaper than a
movie date or a trip to McDonalds,
perhaps they should consider doing something else in their spare time. (What would the cost of auto insurance be if it were
required to cover oil changes and gasoline?)