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August 25

Compiled and Written by Irene Stuber
who is solely responsible for its content.
This version of Women of Achievement has been taken
from email distributions of Women of Achievement and Herstory.
The full text of this episode of Women of Achievement and Herstory
will be published here shortly.


QUOTE by Shulasmith Firestone.

The full-text version of this episode...

...will be published here soon.

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B. 08-25-1800, Elizabeth Montague, an upper-class Englishwoman who organized conversation evenings in an attempt to find something worthwhile to do rather than be an ornament. (The lower class women worked night and day.) EM was of the first to be called a bluestocking.

B. 08-25-1873, Blanche Lyon Bates, star of the stage for more than 30 years who became known by her most notable role, *Girl of the Golden West.*

B. 08-25-1909, Ruby Keeler, dancer.

Event 08-25-1920, the governor of Tennessee signs his state's legislative resolution ratifying the 19th amendment and mails it to Washington, thus delayingwomen s votes for another day.

B. 08-25-1927, Althea Gibson, first Afro-American woman to win major tennis tournaments. AG was inducted into the tennis hall of fame in 1971.

B. 08-25-1962, Taslima Nasrin, Bangladeshi feminist author and physician who remains hidden in Sweden after being condemned by fundamentalist Islamic for blasphemous writing. A bounty has been declared.
      She writes blisteringly about the oppression of women under Muslim religious rule. Religious fundamentalists have burned stores that carried her books. She has stated the Qur`an has only historical value and should be revised.
      When compared with the author Salman Rushdie who is no longer in hiding from Islamic forces, Nasrin pointed out a clear difference: "He has apologized. I have not and will not."

Event 08-25-1994, Ann Manson, 32, became the first women to conduct the all-male Salzburg Symphony at the renowned Salzburg Festival and the first woman to conduct a symphony orchestra in Austria's history. A woman on the podium has NOT been repeated.

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      "Thus the defeat was so frequent, and victory so rare - and then achieved by such bare margins - that even to read about the struggle for (woman's) suffrage is exhausting, let alone to have lived through it and fought for it. The lapse of historians in this area is understandable, if not pardonable."
            -- Shulalmith Firestone in The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution

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© 1990, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000
Irene Stuber, PO Box 6185, Hot Springs National Park, AR 71902.
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A non profit organization dedicated to telling herstory.
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