Compiled and Written by Irene Stuber
who is solely responsible for its content.
This version of Women of Achievement has been
from the draft of an unpublished book based on
Irene Stuber's files on women of achievement and herstory.
The full text of this episode of Women of Achievement and Herstory
will be published here in the future.
QUOTE by a rape survivor.
Dame Nita Barrow convened the women's conference in Nairobi, Kenya in 1985 that ended the United Nations' Women's Decade.
It was attended by 11,000 women and set the stage for the 1995 Women's Conference in Beijing.
NB was appointed governor-general of Barbados in 1990 to serve as Queen Elizabeth's representative. Barbados is an independent member of the British Commonwealth.
Dame Barrow had been knighted in 1980 for her work in public health and then appointed Barbados' ambassador to the United Nations in 1986. She sought the presidency of the U.N. General Assembly but lost in a bitter contest filled with sexist overtones to Argentina's foreign minister.
She also served as the president of the World Council of Churches.| PRIOR DATE | | HOME | | WOA INDEX | | NEXT DATE |
05-14 DATES, ANNIVERSARIES, and EVENTS B. 05-14-1851, Anna Caroline Maxwell , U.S. nurse who established numerous nurse training schools, worked with Red Cross that adopted many of her innovations, and campaigned to get military rank for nurses of the Army Nurse Corps.
She authored the standard text, Practical Nursing.B. 05-14-1856, Sister Mary Joseph Dempsey, Roman Catholic nun and hospital administrator of St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester, NY., which grew from 45 beds to a modern facility of 600 beds. She also began a major training center for nurses.
Event 05-14-1863: Setting aside their own cry for equality, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton called a meeting of the Women's National Loyal League that would gather hundreds of thousands of petitions calling for a Constitutional amendment to abolish slavery.
B. 05-14-1902, (Helen) Flanders Dunbar - U.S. psychiatrist. Only 4'11", FD earned four advanced degrees in seven years including a Ph.D. in philosophy, a B.D, and then added a medical degrees in 1930.
FD integrated religion, science, medicine and psychiatry to head the Council for the Clinical Training of Theological Students. Her chief legacy regards psychosomatic approach to illnesses - a study that showed distinctive personality profiles for each disease. She also uncovered the emotional disturbance of accident prone people. Her Mind and Body (1947) is a summation of her findings.
Event 05-14-1918: the right to vote and stand for political office for all women of the Canadian Province was validated.
DIED 05-14-1994, Hazel Brannon Smith, U.S. publisher and editor who was the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing given for her strong comments regarding civil rights. As owner and editor of four Mississippi newspapers she pointed out civil rights abuses. In 1964 her newspaper office was bombed. Because of her courageous stand her papers had few ads but she was able to keep them going through paid speaking engagements.
QUOTES DU JOUREvent 05-14-1993, convicted rapist Joel Rene Valdez, 28, is confronted in court by the woman he raped. He is sentenced to 40 years in prison after she testified that her actions to convince Valdez to wear a condom was an act of self defense to save her life from possible AIDS.
One grand jury had failed to indict him because the prosecuting attorney thought her request for a condom was an act of consent.
A second grand jury with a different prosecuting attorney did indict him.
She said, "Anyone can be raped. It doesn't just happed to people you read about in the newspapers. It happens to people you know. Rape has a unique status in the justice system. Rape is the only felony that places the onus on the survivor."
© 1990, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000
Irene Stuber, PO Box 6185, Hot Springs National Park, AR 71902.
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