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February 21

Compiled and Written by Irene Stuber
who is solely responsible for its content.
This document has been taken from emailed versions
of Women of Achievement. The complete episode
will be published here in the future.

Mary Lamb


QUOTES by Dorothy L. Sayers and Irene Stuber.

Co-author of Shakespeare for Children

      "Would it not prove an incalculable addition to general happiness and the domestic comfort of both sexes, if needlework were never practiced except for remuneration? Real business and real leisure make up the portions of men's time whereas women in the home have little real leisure, which may be one reason some are so dull and unattractive to their husbands."
            -- Mary Lamb who with her brother Charles Lamb rewrote Shakespeare for children. Mary wrote almost two-thirds of the book and Charles received the lion's share of the credit and money.

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B. 02-21-1824, Eliza Maria (Mother Angela) Gillespie, director of studies of St. Mary's College, as head of the Holy Cross order volunteered the nuns for nursing during the Civil War and established a 1500 bed military hospital at Mound City, Ill., established more than 45 learning institutions in the U.S.

B. 02-21-1855, Alice Freeman Palmer, at 24 became English professor at Wellesley College and then the president at 27. Put the college on a sound financial basis and increased enrollment. She resigned to marry in 1887 but remained active in educational matters including serving on the Massachusetts State Board of Education and founding the parent body of the American Association of University Women. Elected to Hall of Fame for Great Americans in 1920.

Event 02-21-1901, U.S. establishes the Army Nurses Corps., and when implemented in March, Dita H. Kinney is named to head it.

B. 02-21-1903, Anais Nin, French-born author of novels and short stories and eight fabulous volumes of her personal diaries.

B. 02-21-1915, Ann Sheridan, known as the "Oomph Girl." Her figure was publicized more than her talented acting which sparked her temper outbursts that kept her suspended or on strike for much of her productive years. She made such films as The Man Who Came to Dinner (1941) and Kings Row.

B. 02-21-1927 Erma Bombeck, comedic author and columnist.

B. 02-21-1934, Rue McClanahan, actor. Her sister was head of the biology department of Northeast Louisiana University. Her mother was a beautician who encouraged her daughters to excel.

B. 02-21-1935, Nina Simone, jazz singer, pianist, composer. Her mother was an ordained Methodist minister who worked as a housekeeper by day.

B. 02-21-1936, Barbara Jordan, Representative to U.S. Congress 1973-79, only black and only woman in Texas State Senate 1966-1972. Because of health, she was forced to retire to teaching at the University of Texas, but served as a political advisor to Texas Governor Ann Richards.

B. 02-21-1946, Tyne Daley, actor and singer, star of film and stage but best known as Lacey in the TV series Cagney and Lacey.

Event 02-21-1960, Jerrie Cobb started secret tests for astronaut training. Years later in a U.S. Congressional probe, NASA officials admited they had "no intentions" of allowing women into space. Cobb testified that of the 25 women who applied to the space program in 1960, 13 had been found qualified.

Event 02-21-1964: The formation of an American branch of Britain's St. Joan's Alliance was announced. It seeks equality for women within the Roman Catholic Church.

Event 02-21-1992, Lt. Kelly Frank, 26, was honored in San Diego by the Naval Helicopter Association as its pilot of the year. During Operation Desert Storm, she engaged in a night time rescue of an injured US Navy diver from a platform at sea.

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      "A desire to have all the fun is nine-tenths of the law of chivalry."
            -- Dorothy L. Sayers writing in The Gaudy Night (Chapt. XIV0.)

      "B. 02-21-1953, William Stuber, a truly feminist man. He does dishes, windows, and takes my granddaughters fishing, water skiing, to ballet and coaches their softball teams. His wife smiles a lot. (Hey, it's my column. -- IS)"
            -- Irene Stuber, 1996 Women of Achievement

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© 1990, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000
Irene Stuber, PO Box 6185, Hot Springs National Park, AR 71902.
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