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January 4

Compiled and Written by Irene Stuber
who is solely responsible for its content.
This document has been taken from emailed versions
of Women of Achievement. The complete episode
will be published here in the future.

The Emperor's New Clothes


QUOTES by Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Hazel Scott, Katherine Mansfield and Gloria Steinem.

How Do We See The World?

      "Everyone knows the story about the Emperor and his fine clothes: although the townspeople persuaded themselves that the Emperor was elegantly costumed, a child, possessing an unspoiled vision, showed the citizenry that the Emperor was really naked.
      "The story instructs us about one of our basic sociological premises: that reality is subjective, or, rather, subject to social definition. The story also reminds us that collective delusions can be undone by introducing fresh perspectives.
      "Movements of social liberation are like the story in this respect: they make it possible for people to see the world in an enlarged perspective because they remove the covers and blinders that obscure knowledge and observation.
      "In the last decade no social movement has had a more startling or consequential impact on the way people see and act in the world than the women's movement.
      "Like the onlookers in the Emperor's parade, we can see and plainly speak about things that have always been there, but that formerly were unacknowledged. Indeed, today it is impossible to escape noticing features of social life that were invisible only ten years ago."
            -- Millman, M., and Kanter, R.M. (eds.), Another Voice. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday-Anchor, 1975; p.vii. [Submitted by Selma Singer]

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B. 01-04-1844, Helen Louise Kendrick Johnson, writer - married an editor who published her fictional works and her edited collections of songs, epigrams, and poetry. She is best known for her collections of works against women's suffrage. She was active in the anti-suffrage, anti-women's rights movement.

B. 01-04-1891, Margaret Culkin Banning, American author of more than 40 books and novels. A prolific short story writer, she specialized in problems of women torn between marriage requirements and "a life of their own." Divorced, MCB supported her two children with the proceeds from her writing. She worked in refugee camps in Germany after World War II and remarried.

B. 01-04-1898, Regina Z. Kelly, author of historical biographical novels for young people.

B. 01-04-1908, Judith Kelly, author, best known work Marriage Is a Private Affair.

B. 01-04-1914, Jane Wyman, American actor won the Academy Award for her work in Johnny Belinda (1948) and was nominated three other times. Her divorced second husband, the father of her only daughter Maureen, went on to become president of the United States. With a reputation as a goody-goody in films, Wyman shocked everyone in the 1940 film You're in the Army Now with a kiss that lasted 185 seconds, the longest kiss ever filmed.

B. 01-04-1937, Grace Bumbry, American singer who achieved worldwide fame in 1961 as the first black person ever to sing at the Wagnerian stronghold of Bayreuth, Germany. She starred as Venus in Tann�hauser. GB sings both soprano and mezzo and is an exceptional lieder singer.

B. 01-04-1937, Dyan Cannon, actor nominated for best performance in _Bob & Carol Ted & Alice_ (1969) and _Heaven Can Wait_ (1978). A short film she wrote, directed and co-produced _Number One_ was nominated for the best live-action short film (1976).

Event 01-04-1939, Dr. Frieda Wunderlich becomes the first woman dean of a graduate school.

Event 01-04-1945: the Sullivan trophy is finally awarded swimmer Ann Curtis, the eight-time National Amateur Athletic Union titlist. She becomes the first woman to receive the trophy.

B. 01-04-1982, Margaret Culkin Banning, American author of about 40 books and novels. Prolific short story writer, she specialized in problems of women.

Event 01-04-1990: Feminists' long-sought for family leave program became a reality in New Jersey when Governor Jim Florio signed a bill that requires employers to give their employees up to 12 weeks off to care for a newborn or adopted child, or for an ill or injured immediate family member. The leave is unpaid, but health insurance and other benefits stay in effect and the furloughed workers would be guaranteed their old job or its equivalent. President Bill Clinton would get the same basic bill passed by the U.S. Congress three years later. Women who usually act as the family caretakers in time of sickness are the workers with the most need for these laws.

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      "To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men."
            -- Ella Wheeler Wilcox

      "Who ever walked behind anyone to freedom? If we can't go hand-in-hand, I don't want to go."
            -- Hazel Scott

      "Risk - risk anything. Care no more for the opinion of others, for those voices. Do the thing hardest on earth for you to do. Act for yourself. Face the Truth."
            -- Katherine Mansfield, The Journal of Katherine Mansfield.

      "Women may be the one group that grow more radical with age."
            -- Gloria Steinem, 1972

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© 1990, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000
Irene Stuber, PO Box 6185, Hot Springs National Park, AR 71902.
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